Smart Ways to Save Money and Time at Costco (Shhh, Some Are Kinda Secret Too)
I recently stumbled upon a Reddit forum with some great advice for Costco shoppers looking to maximize their membership. Smart Costco shoppers have definitely figured out the best times to shop and how to smartly navigate the warehouse in order to save time and money. And guess what? They’re happily sharing the info with all of us so we can save money too. Here are the key insider tips when it comes to saving money shopping at Costco.
8 Ways to Save Money & Time at Costco:
1. Shop on the Right Day and Time
Avoid weekends as they’re typically a madhouse.
The best time to shop, and avoid the crowd, is during the week, preferably on a Tuesday, about an hour or two after they open.
According to Cormath, a Costco employee, “In my experience it slows down a bit about an hour to an hour and half after open at my warehouse. Big rush at first then it dies down until people start getting off work.”
The best values at Costco all exist on the outside walls of the store. Dairy, produce, pet food, paper products, and of course the $4.99 rotisserie chicken deal.
Once you start walking toward the center aisles, you’ll find the products with the biggest markups and the impulse purchases that Costco hopes you make. DON’T DO IT.
2. Short on Time? Try This
A Reddit user by the name of Stakesandwich had great advice for those who are in a hurry when shopping at Costco. “I look mad, walk fast, and don’t go near the popular sample stations with the cart.
I know where everything is, I stick to the outside when possible, and if I need to squeeze between two sample stations to get something like cheese I leave the cart a row over and just walk through people.”
Great tips.
Start paying attention to Costco price tags and you can quickly figure out what kind of a deal you’re getting.
Specifically, I had a friendly Costco employee explain to me how it all works:
Prices ending with .99 – This is a regular price.
Prices ending with .00 or .88, – This is a store-specific markdown price.
Prices ending with 9 (not including .99), – For example, prices ending with .79, .39, or .59 indicate limited-time promotions that come directly from the manufacturer.
Price ending with .97 – This is a clearance price and typically 25% below the regular price.
* in the upper right hand corner – The item won’t get restocked and all they have left is what’s on the sales floor.
Takeaway: Look for prices ending in .97 with an * on it and you’re getting a SCREAMING deal.
See Also: Here’s How Costco Catering Works…With Hacks to Save
3. Check out Google Maps for Specific Info
From another Reddit user, “While all the anecdotal times posted are helpful to grasp the gist of when to possibly go. I suggest you head to Google Maps on your phone, search your specific Costco and scroll down in the details area.
There will be a graph of the busiest times right there set to whatever the day is. Use that to adjust your times for when you find slow times to that specific store.”
What if I told you that you could buy brands like Viking, Tolani, Bench, Gorilla Sheds, OtterBox, and NordicTrack directly from the manufacturer and basically pay the Costco price?
Enter the online shopping portal, Costco Next, a program that allows Costco members to buy products from third-party suppliers at a discount, often up to 40% off the MSRP.
Some of the top product lines with Costco Next include the following:
- Kitchen tools and appliances – Brands include BareBones, Viking, Rabbit, and NordicWare.
- Luggage sets – Includes Briggs & Riley, Travelpro, Nomatic, and Baggallini.
- Beauty products – Includes PMD Beauty, Butter LONDON, by Sophie, and SkinSquared.
- Electronics – Anker, EcoFlex, Case Mate, Loex, and CLX.
- Camping gear – Klymit, TrailerValet, WhiteDuck, and Vaultek.
- Portable sheds – Gorilla sheds and StudioShed.
- Caskets – Titan brand caskets to be exact.
Get in the healthy habit of always checking Costco Next before making a big purchase from Costco, I think you’ll really save some money doing so.
4. Never Shop Alone
From Sadsauces, “I shop with two people at Costco, no exceptions. One person mans and drives the cart, maneuvering it into a good “dock” position in whatever section of the store.
The second person is a runner, fulfilling the needs of the almighty list. Get a friend and go.”
Don’t keep circling around the parking lot hoping to get a spot right next to the Costco entrance…it’s a total waste of time.
Instead, quickly find a spot close to a cart return. The time saved at the end of your Costco journey will more than make up for the short walk to your car.
5. Looking for Free Samples?
The only reason to go on weekends is for the free samples as that’s when they’re in full-force. Just do it early in the morning if you can as the warehouse will be much less crowded.
Even better, try shopping on a Sunday morning. According to user 4077, “On Sunday mornings before Church lets out. Lots of samples and by the time I’m leaving, it’s starting to fill.”
When placing items in your cart, try to place them with the barcode facing up.
Then when you get to the checkout at Costco, they can VERY quickly scan the items in your cart and get you on your way. If we all did this, think how much faster we would get through checkout and out to our cars.
6. Never Wait for Free Samples
According to Reddit user Thrashertm, “Protip #1 – don’t wait in line for a sample; it’s very gauche. Better to do your shopping and potentially circle back if you REALLY need a taste of that jalapeño popper.
Your time is worth more than 10 minutes standing in line. Protip #2 – you can hit up the samples more than once if you are nice to the samplers. The servers don’t care.”
A friend of my wife’s turned me onto this Costco hack and it’s brilliant. Buy a few of the big blue IKEA bags ($0.99 each) and leave them in your truck when you go to Costco.
Then when your done shopping, and return to your car, load from cart to IKEA bag. Load each bag by where it goes in your house like pantry, freezer, basement, etc. Then when you get home, your unloading process is a PIECE OF CAKE.
7. Membership Not Required to Shop
From the same Reddit user quoted above, “You don’t need a membership actually.”
They sell gift cards, which can grant you access to the store. A friend can buy them for you and even reload it for you online –”
Be aware that when using a Costco cash card you’ll be hit with a 5% surcharge on purchases from
This applies to non-members only.
The next time you’re at Costco, go to where they sell the premade salads, pasta, and other meals. You’ll notice a plastic container filled with rotisserie chicken meat that’s been pulled from the bone.
This is the chicken from the day before that they were not able to sell. For only $5.99, you’ll get the chicken meat from 1.5 rotisserie chickens. Great for meal prep, fajitas, wraps, and sandwiches. Plus you can freeze it for later as it freezes really well.
8. Eat The $1.50 Hot Dog Meal Before You Shop
The old adage of never shopping hungry absolutely holds true at Costco.
Because of this, several Reddit users chimed in with the tip of stopping by the food court before you do your shopping and get your grub on.
By doing so, you’ll probably end up with less items in your cart if you have a hard time ignoring the growling coming from your stomach.
If you have a Costco Anywhere Citi Visa, you know that every spring they mail you your rewards certificate.
Fight your instinct to blow it on your next Costco haul as you’ll lose the 2% cashback your Visa gives you. Instead, cash it out at the Costco Customer Service desk or simply buy 1 or 2 items and cash it out.
Ask the Reader: How do you save money at Costco and maximize your annual membership in the process?
By Kyle James
Photo by Mike Mozart.
I started in 2000 and have become a consumer expert and advocate writing about out-of-the-box ways to save at stores like Amazon, Walmart, Target and Costco to name a few. I’ve been featured on FOX News, Good Morning America, and the NY Times talking about my savings tips. (Learn more)
there is a 5% charge if you are not a member and use a gift card
That only applies to purchases from