The Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is Not Worth the Money

February 11, 2014 by Kyle James
Updated: February 18, 2025

Not too long ago Amazon bumped up the price of their Prime Membership from $119 to $139 annually. This got me thinking about the value of Prime, and do shoppers actually get enough out of it every year to make it worth the money? Does it make you overspend? Does it make you a lazy shopper? To those 3 questions I say No, Yes, Yes. Keep on reading to see why…

The Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is Not Worth the Money

1. Amazon Already Has Free Shipping on $35+

I mean sure, the free 2-day shipping on all orders is a great incentive, but are you aware that Amazon already offers free shipping on $35+ orders? (only $25 in some areas)

For those who say, “But most of my purchases are under $35 and won’t qualify for free shipping.” To them I say make sure and combine orders until you reach the $35 threshold.

Have a little will-power on purchases and wait until you have several items you need to buy before you make an order.

The idea that you must have something in 2-days means you should probably be heading to your local Walmart, Target, or grocery store to buy it.

If you’re a shopper that buys stuff online and always “Needs It NOW” and will happily pay for expedited shipping to make it happen, then the Prime membership will definitely save you money, but I think this is a pretty small percentage of the population.

See Also: 6 Brilliantly Slick Ways to Get Amazon Prime for FREE

2. Prime Membership Makes You a Lazy Shopper

This may be the single biggest reason why the Amazon Prime membership is a bad buy.

Put simply, it makes many consumers flat out lazy.

They don’t compare pricing, they don’t haggle for a better price, they don’t take advantage of retailer’s price match policies, and they sure as heck don’t seek out coupons in order to get the best deal possible.

Instead they head straight to and click a single ‘Buy It Now’ button and viola!, it magically appears on their doorstep two days later.

Many shoppers at this point will make the argument that Amazon always has low prices so I don’t need to be a smart consumer. WRONG!


Guess what? Amazon ain’t the only store that offers free 2-day shipping with no minimum purchase required (or small purchase required).

Here are the notable retailers worth considering…

  • Apple – Free 2-day shipping on everything in-stock.
  • Best Buy – Free 2-day for Elite status members.
  • Blue Nile – Free shipping on every order.
  • Home Depot – Free 2-day on $45 or more.
  • Optics Planet – Free 2-day on 2,500 products.
  • Sephora – Free 2-day for Flash members ($15 a year to join).
  • Target – Free 2-day on hundreds of thousands of products when you spend $35+.
  • Walmart – Free 2-day when you spend at least $35.

3. Amazon is a “Walmart-Wolf” in Sheep’s Clothing

When it comes to branding, Jeff Bezos and the marketing team at Amazon are absolute geniuses.

Over the years they have kept the brand “cool” in the eyes of consumers while the Walmarts of the world are seen as a company who ruins the little guy, pinches suppliers to death, and offers low paying jobs and sub-par health benefits.

One of the ways Amazon pulls this off is by not having a human face on the business.

There is not a minimum-wage earning senior citizen greeting you when you shop at Amazon and there’s very little written about the Amazon warehouse employees.

Employees toiling in the gigantic Amazon warehouses have very little voice and Amazon likes it that way.

See Half of Amazon’s warehouse workers are injured after just 3 years from Fortune to get a glimpse behind the Amazon curtain.

So why do I bring this up?

I don’t want you to just accept Amazon and the Prime membership as a alternative to the Walmart culture and way of doing business.

In the end, there is NOT a huge difference between the two.

4. Ridiculously Easy to Overspend

I’m going to get a little psychological with you for a minute.

I believe that many Amazon Prime members feel they need to shop with them as much as possible in order to recoup the membership fee.

I have talked with enough loyal Amazon shoppers over the years to confirm this phenomena.

So what is the outcome?

People buying everything under the sun from Amazon, often paying much more than they would at their local store, in order to get the free 2-day shipping.

Overspending up the wazoo.

I would also make the argument that the biggest reason for Amazon potentially raising the cost of the Prime membership is because they know people will end up buying more from them in an effort to make sure they “get their money’s worth”.

5. Prime 2-Day Shipping Doesn’t Always Happen

If you’re a Prime member, you probably noticed during the COVID pandemic that Amazon was having a hard time getting packages to your front door in their guaranteed 2-day window.

Well the pandemic ended a LONG time ago and Amazon is STILL having trouble in many areas of the country.

Yet they keep raising the price of Prime and people go along with it like sheep.

Don’t believe me? Check out the 900+ comments on the article I wrote about this Amazon shipping problem.

People are dropping Prime like a bad habit EVERY single day.

BONUS – Prime Membership Savings Tips:

If you’re on the fence about dropping the cash on an Prime membership, I have a few tips to minimize your costs.

1. Free 30 day trial. Amazon offers prospective members a free 30-day trial.

Amazon allows one free trial per account, but you can sign up with a new email address and use a different credit/debit card and get a new trial period.

Tip: If you don’t have another card, try using a virtual card like or a prepaid card.

 I typically recommend shoppers to sign-up for their trial just before Black Friday so they can do all their Christmas shopping and get free 2-day delivery.

Once you start your free trial, track your purchases and your savings in terms of shipping costs. Add them up at the end of the month and times it by 12 to get a rough idea of your annual savings.

2. Get Amazon price alerts. If you end up (or already are) a Prime member, you need to start using Amazon price alert services like that allows you to create Amazon price trackers on products you want to purchase.

The free services will send you an email when the price of your item drops below a predetermined price point GUARANTEEING you always get the lowest price and don’t overspend.

Ask the Reader: Are you an Amazon Prime member? If so, do you think it’s worth the money or is it a terrible buy? Also, do you think it makes you overspend and not research the best price?

By Kyle James


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I don’t pay for Prime. My brother’s company does and adds me as one of the people with access to Prime shipping. I do handle some buying for them when my bro is too swamped. I can’t access video, but then again I have no need to.

What you say about laziness and overpaying may be true for some, but not for everyone. I tend to shop around for the best price. I take not only the price, but shipping costs into account. Only then will I consider ordering from Amazon and even then, often I’ll find a lower price from another Amazon dealer with free shipping. I may have to wait a lot longer for the product, but I’ve saved money.

But sometimes Prime is cheaper than I can get elsewhere. People buy Prime because, as you said, it’s great hype. But for those who are savvy shoppers to begin with, it can be a blessing. Especially when you do need something right away.

But then I’m disabled and don’t get out of the house much. Online shopping is often the only way for me to buy what I need, when I need it.


I live in a small town that does not have a Walmart or Target. The nearest Walmart is 45 minutes away and the nearest Target is 120 miles away. So yeah, it’s worth it to me. Every time my kid needs something for school or I need to send something to my college daughter I don’t have time to go out of town. The school won’t wait until I have a full shopping list and can go out of town or have my Amazon cart full of $49 products.


Is that town in California ? We are looking for town with a cheap houses and really I don’t care about shop only I need is gas station .


I love Prime. I use it a lot and I price things when I’m at other stores using the app to see if in store is cheaper or Amazon is. The prime shows have stepped up their game too with more original series and better movies being added it makes it worth while. Prime music is great too because there is a large collection of music and artist available for no andetistdditional charge. In reality you get quite a bit for $99/year and they’re constantly improving their t.v and music services. 2 day shipping works great for me because if I see it cheaper on amazon then I can get it almost immediately. I might that was live in a small town with a small walmart so it’s hard to find certain things in store. I use walmart site to store a lot also because somethings are just cheaper at walmart!


I think it’s important that if you’re going to write a broad sweeping article like this that you consider the following;

(A) Don’t break the cardinal rule of telling people their lifestyle is wrong. You are not a government, you are not a religion, and you are not their family. Get into a neutral stance and STAY there.

(1) Not all people are like YOU. Some are disabled and easier shopping, no matter the cost, is a blessing for them.

(2) Many, many people do not live right near other shops. Many people have limited choices. Online shopping opens the doors that they would not otherwise have available to them. My husband goes on the road to work in small towns and trust me, choices ARE limited. There are far, far more small towns than big cities and vehicle fuel is expensive.

(3) Don’t be lazy and not update your articles. Additionally don’t be lazy and stop responding to comments. IF this is your business then take care of it. You posted a strong position against something and then abandoned it.

We have Prime BECAUSE of my husband being on the road in small towns. When he needs a tool he can often find it 3-4 times cheaper at amazon than in the local stores. While we would like to support local merchants we cannot justify them bleeding the customers dry.

NOTE: Consider that if the local businesses got some smarts and rented, bought or built a local warehouse together they could ALL afford to buy large lots and offer a discount to their customers. They just have to stop being jealous of each other and protecting tiny profits (no sales) just because they are against others in town. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


Ouch, that was a burn! You are absolutely right, Kyle, and you made a great point about the lazy criticism. However, you are not being lazy with maintaining this article whatsoever – even after two years, I still see replies to folks’ comments from you. It looks like you do a great job keeping up with your work, so with that being said, please keep it up.


I just cancelled prime on there free trial prime pantry 35 dollars I would spend more an still be billed for shipping I called them on the first orders they fixed there mistake but I am not going to deal with company every time I order I have to fix there mistakes

Martha Owens

I just happen to run up on this article and I am so happy you posted this. I am at Amazon prime member I use it a lot however I don’t think it’s worth it I thought it was $98 but I’m gonna call Amazon right now and cancel my order thank you very much for sharing this and opening my eyes


First off, this article should be called “Why I think” instead of is since this entire article is mostly your opinion.

I am an avid Amazon shopper. I also have a couple of Echo Dots and play music true my Prime account through them. I also paid extra for the unlimited plan so I can access every single song on every single album that Amazon has. That in itself is pretty awesome.

The food that I feed my cats and my ferrets is far cheaper through Amazon, comes to me with free shipping and I don’t have to waste gas picking it up or go to the store to find out it is out of stock. With my Echo Dots I can even ask Alexa to order more cat food and she recalls my last order, asks if that’s what I want to order and bam – order placed.

The lotion I regular use by Eucerin is about $15 a bottle. I pick up three the bottles for about $20 on Amazon and again delivered free.

The laser printer I saw and really wanted at my local Staples was $189. I used the Amazon app and found out it was only $79 on Amazon and have it there the next day.

During the holidays I can send gifts to friends and family again, free of shipping. I even recently sent a couple of things to a friend in Scotland and paid nothing for shipping. All I had to do was login to the UK Amazon site and do the order through there!

The TV that I wanted for my bedroom that was the same model as the living room but a bit smaller they did not carry at Costco. I ordered it through Amazon and it was $80 less than what Walmart sells it for. Again, free shipping.

I wanted a really good raincoat that was truly waterproof and couldn’t find anything decent in local stores. I also didn’t want to spend $100 or more to buy one through Lands End. I ordered one on Amazon and was able to read the reviews from other saying it truly was waterproof. I ordered the jacket, loved it but it was a bit too small period was able to send it back since I made sure it was a free return item and ordered the next size. Perfect jacket.

I could go on but these are just some of the examples of great deals on really good items that I found via Amazon that could not be found locally.

Am I lazy person? Am I handicapped so have mobility issues? No to both. But I’m a very busy person. I run my own business and also take a day off every week to volunteer. I don’t want to spend my weekends going to malls and shopping all over the place when I want something. I used my weekend to go hiking, do things with friends, relax!

So shopping via Amazon may not be right for you but that doesn’t mean it isn’t right for others. It isn’t factual it is just your OPINION.


Amazon prime video is a sick joke! Everything, and I mean everything, worth watching requires you to either rent or buy it or you have to subscribe to a third party provider. I got suckered into their web of deceit only to find there was literally nothing I wanted to watch that cost me money above and beyond my prime video membership fee. Needless to say I cancelled immediately and they only got to steal one month of my money. I say save your money and go with Hulu or Netflix, either of which are 100X better than prime video.


I can’t find any good movie which give me enjoyment. To save some money I removed Netflix and now on you tube I am looking for movie .

Lisa Waters

Amazon Prime is a great buy! I have birth defects and chronic pain that prevents the shopping that I did in my younger years. I don’t buy something just because it’s a prime item. I research and compare prices. There are items that aren’t prime, but they have a good price and offer free shipping—just not in two days. I also enjoy just looking. You can see stuff you didn’t know existed (diapers for chickens) and discover things you need (a soft little heating blanket, perfect for my legs). The Prime movie and TV selection has improved in the last few years—especially their own productions. If you have shows you don’t want to rent or buy, add them to your Watchlist anyway. I had one show that had recently been on TV and I could hardly wait to see it, but I added it to my Watchlist. One evening a few months later I was going through my Watchlist and there was the show I had been waiting on—“Prime” written across it. What an unexpected treat! Yep, Amazon Prime is a great buy!


Prime is worth it for me simply because we literally don’t have stores here.
If I need something in two days, sure I can take a trip to Walmart for the things they carry. For the things they don’t? Oh, it’s a 94 mile trip ONE WAY to go get it!
That’s not something that’s going to happen.
The standard shipping via USPS through amazon? I have to go pick up my packages from the post office to get them, they won’t deliver.
I still comparison shop online, but amazon is my go to because it makes life more convenient… and that’s a price I’m willing to pay. Tack in the shipping I’ve already paid on stuff, it gives an edge to Amazon for smaller purchases that other retailers don’t have. Factor in the ease of returns and that’s something else too (which, admittedly, is available to everyone).
For me? Amazon is a whole lot easier than taking a day to go and drive out of town for anything I might need that Walmart doesn’t carry.

I don’t care about streaming. I have it and don’t use it; it does not add value to me. I don’t have an electronic home, so I don’t use Amazon echo.
I definitely use it for buying things I can’t locally though.
Plus the 20% off video game preorders definitely helps.


The BEST thing about Amazon Prime isn’t even Prime. Its access to PrimeNow service which is the closest thing Ive experienced to perfection, for anyone who is busy, doesn’t have a car, is disabled or older, or has health issues its a God Send. After I had my daughter and couldn’t drive I used it for everything. Now that I can get around I price shop. I can add all my groceries, toiletries and other items in my cart when I make my grocery list through the week then head to the store when I have time and compare items. 9/10 the item is the same price or cheaper on PrimeNow and I purchase it that way only buy vegetables in the store. PrimeNow list local stores like my local, individually owned organic grocer, Mexican supermarket etc that I can order from. The Amazon warehouse here carries obscure products like organic low carb ice cream, protein powders and organic meats that I cant get here (or half to drive half an hour to a whole foods to pay 2.5Xs the price). Also has restaurants, bakeries and even alcohol, straight to my door for FREE, essential for parties. If I buy one dinner from a restaurant on PrimeNow rather than UBEREats, Eat24, DoorDash or Grubhub my membership has paid for itself that month.

I also LOVE the original series on Amazon Video. Bosch and the Man in the High Castle, those two series alone make paying for those months worth it.

Bought a mattress, got it the same day. Had a minor problem, Amazon offered to let me keep it for free to donate or dispose of and receive a new mattress free of charge. Probably saved them a ton on pick up but still rather generous to offer to send a new one for free I would have spent more on just the mattress without Prime not even mentioning gas and struggle of loading a mattress.

Prime is a no brainer for students. I got half off my Prime membership because I’m a grad student so $5/month for two day shipping, unlimited Grocery, restaurants and Amazon warehouse deliveries right to my door within two hours? I’ve even been able to use it to send groceries and a gift to my friend when she was ill just by changing the delivery address.

Also a no brainer for virtually any business. I own a bakery and use a lot of obscure items or craft items like foam cones and spheres and floral tape. I save using amazon (even when I compared to using an in store coupons at the local craft store) and a lot of times I can get bulk pricing on just a dozen items. I don’t have to buy in bulk, drive to the store, haul the boxes in side, store more than I need or wait. I was working on a Bridal Show piece all night only to find I’d run out of tape. Placed a same day delivery order and my specialized craft tape was waiting for me when I woke up. Also things like bulk specialty chocolate and flower or cake fillings are cheaper on amazon prime. Ive seen things listed on websites for 3/4 of the Amazon Price only to have them be $20 more expensive when you add in their expensive slow shipping and forget trying to return something heavy.

If you are at all a smart shopper you will save using the service.

Customer service is remarkable as well


You, without a doubt, are an Amazon, schill. Either that or a pathetic fan boy. Sad.

pamela svec

I agree! Prices on Amazon are not so great anymore. I find them often cheaper at, where I can order and pick it up for free.. or ship free for some. Ebay and other companies are also less expensive often! It can make you lazy for sure. Also, I am very tired of paying for TV shows I think should be included and YES the price is getting ridiculous! It was about $60 when I first got it.. that was ok.


You have cleary never lived in a rural area where the nearest Walmart is an hour drive away, hardware/auto parts stores 30 minutes or more, etc. To that end, when you need something and you can drive and hour both ways or have it delivered in two, it saves in time, vehicle maintenance, vehicle wear, and fuel. It’s conpletely worth it.

Not everyone is in a suburban area where stores are close by and abundant. I do shop around though, and if the item is cheaper (shipping added in) than Amazon’s price, I’ll buy from another online retailer. The other benefit are user reviews, a reasonable way to compare quality and functionality. Something you don’t get at Walmart 😉


So you’d rather a diesel truck dump pollutants in their air to bring you your Chinese made knockoff version mascara? Got it. That tells me all I need to know about you.

Bryan Lemke

I just found out another way Prime is a terrible buy – Their 2-day shipping only applies AFTER it leaves their warehouses.

This is what I was told by an Amazon rep just now. Why is my 2-day order not arriving for a week? He told me the 2-day shipping only applies after it leaves the warehouse. He said there are a number of reasons it might take a few days to leave the warehouse, but it was still fulfilling their 2-day promise.

I called back to speak with another rep and was told the same thing. The second rep told me that the item wasn’t in an Amazon warehouse and that the seller had to ship it to them first…even though it says ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ and says it’s in stock.

BOTTOM LINE: The once great Prime membership has become a hollow-promise-filled, expensive alternative to smart online shopping.

By way of update, I contacted the actual seller from Amazon (via their website) and they’ll overnight the product to me for $5. It seems Amazon is becoming the poster boy for bad online shopping. I cancelled my Prime order today.


The 2-day shipping doesn’t even work anymore. 7/10 items tbis year alone were “delayed during shipment.” The streaming video is a JOKE, and now they want Prime members to pay even more for access to half-way decent selections. I got tired of it all and cancelled Prime. They won’t let you tell the truth about any of this when they beg you for reviews. Now, I’m back to either shopping local or to the real McCoys online such as NewEgg or manufacturer sites. The only good thing about Amazon right now is returning items.


Completely agree it’s not worth it (writing from UK). At first look it seems like you get a lot but… Agree with all your points on free shipping its not as good as it seems. I’ve been price checking during my trial and find that Prime items often seem to be marked up to include the shipping fee in the price (when you check against price direct from manufacturer for example).

Streaming is as you say a joke. They are basically just trials and you will have to pay for most content. What a faff if you are used to Spotify and Netflix with their upfront pricing models. Prime is basically a cynical ploy to hook you into their rather shitty all in one services which will continually try and rinse you of more money.


I don’t know if they still do this, but in two different years when 2-day shipping took longer than 2 days, I called and complained and Amazon extended my Prime membership for one month. They actually offered a monetary option, but I’ve forgotten the exact amount was.

Prime currently costs $9 and change each month, or the cost of 9 McDonald’s coffees. I’ll make my coffee at home for 18 cents a cup and buy Prime instead. It’s worth it to us to be able to get something in 1 or 2 days that we shopped for in our recliners versus fighting traffic and spending gas money and time. If I can get something through site to store, I do, if I’m going to be in Walmart anyway. However, most of the things we’ve ordered were not available locally or on or were but were cheaper on Amazon. They’re still saying it will be $99 to renew in early January 2018, by the way. If it goes to $119, I think I would probably still use it, but I haven’t decided.


Clarifying my comment: Amazon is showing that my Prime membership, which renews in early January 2018, will be $99. It wasn’t some announcement from Amazon about Prime cost for 2018. I realize they could change that before I renew, also.


The overspending argument is a joke. If anything, you spend less. How many times do you go to a walmart to get 1 thing, and end up leaving with 20 bags?


Prime membership makes a lot of sense to people who dont have cars. Believe it or not, not everyone has a car. And spending $99 for prime is lot cheaper than spending $20,000 on a car to go to walmart.


Walmart also ship free.