The Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is Not Worth the Money

February 11, 2014 by Kyle James
Updated: February 18, 2025

Not too long ago Amazon bumped up the price of their Prime Membership from $119 to $139 annually. This got me thinking about the value of Prime, and do shoppers actually get enough out of it every year to make it worth the money? Does it make you overspend? Does it make you a lazy shopper? To those 3 questions I say No, Yes, Yes. Keep on reading to see why…

The Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is Not Worth the Money

1. Amazon Already Has Free Shipping on $35+

I mean sure, the free 2-day shipping on all orders is a great incentive, but are you aware that Amazon already offers free shipping on $35+ orders? (only $25 in some areas)

For those who say, “But most of my purchases are under $35 and won’t qualify for free shipping.” To them I say make sure and combine orders until you reach the $35 threshold.

Have a little will-power on purchases and wait until you have several items you need to buy before you make an order.

The idea that you must have something in 2-days means you should probably be heading to your local Walmart, Target, or grocery store to buy it.

If you’re a shopper that buys stuff online and always “Needs It NOW” and will happily pay for expedited shipping to make it happen, then the Prime membership will definitely save you money, but I think this is a pretty small percentage of the population.

See Also: 6 Brilliantly Slick Ways to Get Amazon Prime for FREE

2. Prime Membership Makes You a Lazy Shopper

This may be the single biggest reason why the Amazon Prime membership is a bad buy.

Put simply, it makes many consumers flat out lazy.

They don’t compare pricing, they don’t haggle for a better price, they don’t take advantage of retailer’s price match policies, and they sure as heck don’t seek out coupons in order to get the best deal possible.

Instead they head straight to and click a single ‘Buy It Now’ button and viola!, it magically appears on their doorstep two days later.

Many shoppers at this point will make the argument that Amazon always has low prices so I don’t need to be a smart consumer. WRONG!


Guess what? Amazon ain’t the only store that offers free 2-day shipping with no minimum purchase required (or small purchase required).

Here are the notable retailers worth considering…

  • Apple – Free 2-day shipping on everything in-stock.
  • Best Buy – Free 2-day for Elite status members.
  • Blue Nile – Free shipping on every order.
  • Home Depot – Free 2-day on $45 or more.
  • Optics Planet – Free 2-day on 2,500 products.
  • Sephora – Free 2-day for Flash members ($15 a year to join).
  • Target – Free 2-day on hundreds of thousands of products when you spend $35+.
  • Walmart – Free 2-day when you spend at least $35.

3. Amazon is a “Walmart-Wolf” in Sheep’s Clothing

When it comes to branding, Jeff Bezos and the marketing team at Amazon are absolute geniuses.

Over the years they have kept the brand “cool” in the eyes of consumers while the Walmarts of the world are seen as a company who ruins the little guy, pinches suppliers to death, and offers low paying jobs and sub-par health benefits.

One of the ways Amazon pulls this off is by not having a human face on the business.

There is not a minimum-wage earning senior citizen greeting you when you shop at Amazon and there’s very little written about the Amazon warehouse employees.

Employees toiling in the gigantic Amazon warehouses have very little voice and Amazon likes it that way.

See Half of Amazon’s warehouse workers are injured after just 3 years from Fortune to get a glimpse behind the Amazon curtain.

So why do I bring this up?

I don’t want you to just accept Amazon and the Prime membership as a alternative to the Walmart culture and way of doing business.

In the end, there is NOT a huge difference between the two.

4. Ridiculously Easy to Overspend

I’m going to get a little psychological with you for a minute.

I believe that many Amazon Prime members feel they need to shop with them as much as possible in order to recoup the membership fee.

I have talked with enough loyal Amazon shoppers over the years to confirm this phenomena.

So what is the outcome?

People buying everything under the sun from Amazon, often paying much more than they would at their local store, in order to get the free 2-day shipping.

Overspending up the wazoo.

I would also make the argument that the biggest reason for Amazon potentially raising the cost of the Prime membership is because they know people will end up buying more from them in an effort to make sure they “get their money’s worth”.

5. Prime 2-Day Shipping Doesn’t Always Happen

If you’re a Prime member, you probably noticed during the COVID pandemic that Amazon was having a hard time getting packages to your front door in their guaranteed 2-day window.

Well the pandemic ended a LONG time ago and Amazon is STILL having trouble in many areas of the country.

Yet they keep raising the price of Prime and people go along with it like sheep.

Don’t believe me? Check out the 900+ comments on the article I wrote about this Amazon shipping problem.

People are dropping Prime like a bad habit EVERY single day.

BONUS – Prime Membership Savings Tips:

If you’re on the fence about dropping the cash on an Prime membership, I have a few tips to minimize your costs.

1. Free 30 day trial. Amazon offers prospective members a free 30-day trial.

Amazon allows one free trial per account, but you can sign up with a new email address and use a different credit/debit card and get a new trial period.

Tip: If you don’t have another card, try using a virtual card like or a prepaid card.

 I typically recommend shoppers to sign-up for their trial just before Black Friday so they can do all their Christmas shopping and get free 2-day delivery.

Once you start your free trial, track your purchases and your savings in terms of shipping costs. Add them up at the end of the month and times it by 12 to get a rough idea of your annual savings.

2. Get Amazon price alerts. If you end up (or already are) a Prime member, you need to start using Amazon price alert services like that allows you to create Amazon price trackers on products you want to purchase.

The free services will send you an email when the price of your item drops below a predetermined price point GUARANTEEING you always get the lowest price and don’t overspend.

Ask the Reader: Are you an Amazon Prime member? If so, do you think it’s worth the money or is it a terrible buy? Also, do you think it makes you overspend and not research the best price?

By Kyle James


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Deitra Pawley

I have MediCare and EBT Snap so because of that I only pay $6.56 a month instead of $119 a year, Amazon Fresh is now included with Prime , and I pay $7.99 for music unlimited, for me it’s worth it because of the large discount and like I said I have MediCare and EBT Snap so if you have these or are a student Amazon does offer discounts so look up Amazon discounts and see if there are any you can take advantage of.


Wow. You use EBT and several other government handouts and yet you enjoy a subscription to Amazon AND music streaming. Must be nice to not have to be responsible for yourself. I work for a living and don’t enjoy half the luxuries you probably do. Pathetic waste.


Don’t ever assume when people are on SNAP & MediCare are not being responsible and that they able bodied individuals. There’s a lot of disAbled people who can’t work full time and even when working part-time, and health insurance does not cover expensive medicine to keep them alive – it’s a valid struggle especially with high cost of food, gas, medical bills, and rent skyrocketing.

So WOW—- be grateful you can work full time and afford what you own now – there are many disAbled people who wish to get off of SNAP as they’re rigorous with screening people (which it should be as there are a lot of con people out there) for the SNAP benefits.

Food is our birthright, we should not have to struggle to feed ourselves but that is the corrupted & greedy government’s not prioritizing our basic needs. Medical care is our birthright too. It’s a headache to apply for these governmental program whilst able bodied people just go to work and only worry about filing tax refund paperwork.

Capitalistic societies created a huge gap between the poor and the wealthy – there is no longer middle class with how the American economy has people have to apply for everything and jump hoops to get basic necessities so often just to survive. The unemployment rate increased to 3.9% in October 2023.


I have a Chase Amazon credit card. I purchase a TON of stuff for work (10 cases of paper a month), and get 5% back on all my orders. BTW, just try to find a cheaper price on 10 cases of paper than what you’ll find at Amazon. I do price shop, and if I can find it cheaper with shipping somewhere else, my miserly self will do it. I pay off my credit card each month, so I’ve paid no interest in several years, AND I get back just under $500 a year (which can only be used at Amazon). Subtract my $120 membership, and I come out ahead.


I totally agree. Amazon and Jeff Bozo suck ass. Just how much more money does that greedy socioipath fu** need?


Amazon can no longer boast about their next day shipping because it’s virtually nonexistent anymore. I can’t remember the last time I actually got an order the next day. What I do get is an email saying my shipment has been changed and they add on another 2 – 3 days to it. I’m rethinking my membership. With so many others also offering free reduced shipping times, why should I pay for Prime?


Amen on this. I just cancelled for this reason. Amazon shipping now sucks they use COVID as an excuse and blame UPS but I know better Wal-Mart is delivering everything to me in 1 or 2 days


Except walmart is constantly out of stock my last 4 orders were badically 90% UNAVAILABLE. None of these companies care anymore.


This is a bunch of maybe and if it’s your situation. And really you haven’t seen the reports on Amazon employees and their activities striking back? Sounds to me like you just have a personal grudge. I don’t like them either but like Walmart they’ve become a necessity for many. And if you don’t price shop just because you have Prime, you got issues…just sayin’ smh

Craig D

I dropped Amazon Prime membership and simply add stuff to the cart until I reach $25. I also have made an effort to buy more locally


I use the Amazon fire stick to receive all my programming!!
Only pay for WiFi. …no cable provider….That alone saves a minimum of $30 a month!!
Rethink the cost worthiness..


I would have to agree with some of the posters here about two things right off the bat. One, Amazon is certainly not always the least expensive place to shop, although I used to think so. I’ve found other places, Wal-Mart for one, to often be a lot cheaper. Secondly, the streaming programming that they offer is absolutely abysmal. However, to be completely fair, there are some good shows, albeit few and far in between. One show, recently added, was Season One of Jack Reacher, a character authored by Lee Child. I was truly excited by this ten-episode season (taken from Childs’ book “The Killing Floor”) and binged it in two nights. Unfortunately, though, 99% of the rest of the shows, series and movies, are so bad that drive-in theatres wouldn’t be able to get customers if they offered free concessions.

For now, I and my wife will keep Amazon Prime. We shop them enough that we probably come out ahead with the shipping, although I’ve not actually done the math. As they continue to raise their prices, though, that will become more of a concern. To be honest, we got the Amazon Prime primarily for the free shipping and considered the streaming programming as just an extra perk. If I had subscribed to the programming expecting something along the lines of quality such as Hulu or NetFlix, I’d have dropped them inside of a week. Bottom line, though, is that we live in the country and are not near any large stores, and as such, shopping online makes sense for us.

Another serious problem that I am having with Amazon, though, concerns their search engine. When searching for a product, any product, I am presented with a total of 7 pages. Seven. It may say that there are over 50,000 results for my search, but I am only offered seven pages, and most of the items on those seven pages have nothing to do with what I was searching for. Researching this dilemma, I’ve discovered that many others are experiencing the same thing. You search for, say, a garden hose, and you see that there are 20,000 results, yet you’ll only get those seven pages. One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that something is rotten in Denmark. My answer to this is that each time I am cut off at page seven, I immediately search everywhere else for what I am looking for, and usually find it. Might not be a lot, and Amazon is never going to miss making a sale to me, but it makes me feel better. One should never reward bad behavior.


Author Theodore Sturgeon once stated what is now known as “Sturgeon’s Law”, which states “90% of everything is crap”. Had he been shopping on, I think he would have had to bump that percentage much higher.

D. Pena

You forget there are many of us unable to store shop. This takes our ability to get something we need fast. How about this idea: the law makers stay focused on their business & start reading bills & the constitution. That would prevent these unconstitutional bills from happening. And, handicapped people have lives too.

Crazy Consumer Dude

Back when Prime hit $119 (now $139!), I stopped the annual subscription and don’t miss it a bit. Now I buy Prime for one month, twice a year (Prime Day and Black Friday which costs under $30), and then I’ll use whatever free 1 week or 1 month trials they happen to offer. I spend less now on Prime than I ever have. Great advice to wait until you have enough to place a $25 order. I’ll admit I do order a lot more when using Prime, and as a result usually end up with stuff I likely wouldn’t have purchased otherwise.

Here’s a clue, Amazon:It may be a good idea to LOWER your subscription prices.

Chris C.

I got sucked in for the promise of free shipping. I live in Canada and every one here will confirm how outrageously expensive shipping is here and with the price of gas being what it is, I admit I kind of got it on it at first.

However, after 6 months I realized I spent almost as much on the membership than I did buying items on Amazon, finding most items I could get way cheaper online elsewhere (amazon prices in Canada are way higher then in the US, even taking into account the currency exchange rate). And when they decided to hike their price and I started talking around and realized that if I ordered for CAD35 I could get free shipping, that was it for me.

Prime is an interesting idea for those rare times you need stuff yesterday, but unless you can share it with all members of your household, especially since the price hike, it just isn’t worth it.


Dropped it like a hot potato, esp. after the several Prime TV shows were no longer “Prime”.

T R Barrow

I can’t stand that I have to pay for some people to get Prime at half off. More and more of this kind of crap, makes a lot of us have to pay for more free stuff, for other people. It’s sickening.

Last edited 2 years ago by T R Barrow

I definitely won’t use Amazon for “digital” purchases. In order to buy music, videos, etc from Amazon online, they *REQUIRE* you to activate “1-Click”. The only thing I see 1-Click being for is to hopefully trick you into accidental purchases when you are merely doing comparison shopping, or merely trying to find something. 1-Click smells quite horribly of a scam on Amazon’s part, and therefore I will never participate in it. serves the same sort of function as Wikipedia; it’s an initial search to get the basic info you need, and then you search elsewhere for what you need (be it products or information). NEITHER site should be considered a final destination.


Amazon’s customer service is a sick joke. I recently had an issue which led me to talk to half a dozen of their foreign customer reps, and they all told me a totally different story.
A “same day delivery” for which I paid an extra $2.99 on Amazon Prime ended up not happening, and I got the biggest runaround since the first astronauts circling the moon.


Prior to Amazon. I had to get up at 9 am and shop 10 different stores and be lucky if I found half of what I needed. And even luckier if I made it home by 9:30 pm.
Sorry but Amazon prime is a whole lot more time saving and affordable than wasting gas. time, and frustration dealing with morons who are single handedly to blame for retail stores going out of business.
Yes Amazon has faults. But retail chains and small businesses shot themselves in the foot by bad rude customer service, refusal to invest more in retail online, And hanging on to outdated business methods.
I will gladly pay $119 for prime to avoid a headache and waste of time going to retail stores and spending 12 hours a day trying to buy basic groceries and products in my busy life. It is nice sometimes just to have a day to relax at the house and not have to worry about a shoot out at the mall or grocery store.


Prime is indeed useless. Its better than walmart etc. Only because you are more GUARANTEED to get what you asked for. Whereas with walmart 90% of your order is usually unavailable. However prime has fallen off with this shipping issue. Most people i know got prime because you could get your things delivered in 2days. Not anymore. It takes atleast 5 days. And they are using UPS to make deliveries. I hateee UPS. Another main reason i got prime is because i prefer the Amazon delivery. They atleast attempt to get you your package or offer a refund. UPS does no such thing. They wont even ring the bell. Ive caught them leaving the “sorry we missed u note” without trying to contact me at all. So yes. Prime is basically just as bad as all the other places now except you might actually get your order…horrible.


You don’t need Prime to shop on Amazon. One can still make that “all in one” order with or without Prime. And you’re trying to preach to FORMER Prime members. You act as if your orders are perfect. If you order that much, then you know full well that a large % of your purchases are damaged, defective, open box, or late. You know full well the convenience of ordering all in one doesn’t always happen and the orders get split up and delivered on different days.
I do appreciate I dont have to run to 5 different stores in one day, but Amazon is not the sole retailer responsible.


As much as I agree with you on most of what you say, the reason I use Amazon is I can find things here no one else carries. Like Levi women’s jeans in short sizes. Items stores
no longer carry and a verity of items. Yes,I am mad as hell about the increase in prime membership and waiting for 2 weeks for an item and it arrives in a box with an item I ordered 3 days ago. I would have liked Amazon to be upfront with customers when dropping the 2 day shipping. But for now I will just be a little more cautious shopper.

Ryn I

I compare pricing on most everything I buy and have found that Amazon is rarely a bargain. So… I use it for two things:

  1. Heavy stuff that isn’t available for free shipping at a cheaper price from another vendor.
  2. Buying Warehouse New/Returned items at a deep discount.

I also no longer just blindly pay them the $15 a month. I don’t use them that often anymore. I “pause” my membership for months at a time and am patient. If I REALLY need something they’ve got the best deal on, I’ll reactivate it for 1 – 2 months, then pause again.

Besides the “2 Day” delivery that is actually 5-6 as it takes them 3-4 days to “process,” the order… the price fixing/gouging is enraging. I say go check for “microfiber towels,” or some such. I find a pkg of 10 for $4.99 with Prime shipping. I copy the link to this product and go check, say, WalMart. When I return to the product on Amazon soon (sometimes minutes) after I find it’s now $6.99. They are trying to force you to impulse buy.

Agreed on Prime Video being useless. Unfortunately, I bought titles such as GoT all seasons back when… With membership paused, you can supposedly still watch these, but here’s the catch… Whether or not your membership is paused, I’m finding “title temporarily unavailable,” error messages are the norm, nothing will play as their server/bandwidth is insufficient.


I agree some people are lazy shoppers. However, many of the people I know still research prices online. The difference is we don’t waste time and gas driving all over.

And the benefit of Amazon is that you can read the reviews of other users so that if it is a quality product someone else has shared that info. I actually spend a lot more time shopping when I use Amazon because I read and research the reviews.

The tv is a complete waste.

Yes, wisdom says order what you need in a batch for financial wisdom.

Though, for those of us with health issues or special needs kids. It is a life saver to be able to order an item and get it in two days. Particularly when Walmart and Target 🎯 are time consuming.

I do agree. Amazon should have the same, big company destroying small company reputation as Walmart.

But at least with Amazon I don’t have to shop, stand in line, and then scan my own products. With Walmart I pay more and do more work. With Amazon. They still do the work, and even bring it to me.
Saving me a tremendous amount of stress and time.

Frustrated Consumer

I have to add, that if/when I do find the same/similar item on another site, I’m often battling quality issues and then return issues to boot! That’s been my experience, anyway, to add on to all that I agree with on your comment.

Rocky Texas

Glad the FTC is going after Amazon for their fraud and tricks with Prime membership. We paid the $139 for a Prime membership with the promise that it includes video streaming. Today, we logged in on the smart TV and were immediately suspended for “misuse of Amazon services.” This means we can’t log in to complain, and when we called we got nothing. So be ready to pay an annual fee and then get booted off Amazon for using that service. Will be filing a complaint with the FTC and the state attorney general so that others won’t have this happen.

Frustrated Consumer

How in the heck does that even happen??