Amazon No Longer Offers 2-Day Prime Shipping (Here’s What To Do About It)

September 21, 2020 by Kyle James
Updated: January 28, 2025

Have you noticed that Amazon doesn’t deliver on their 2-day Prime Shipping anymore? It’s actually not even close for my address and I’ve had to return stuff to Amazon as I don’t need it by the time the package shows up. Anything that I want to buy today (a Monday) won’t be delivered until Sunday at the earliest. I tested this on a bunch of different shopping categories and made sure it was all products sold and shipped directly by Amazon, and none could be delivered before Sunday, 6 days from NOW. But alas, not all hope is lost, here’s what you should do, it’ll only take a few minutes and put an extra $10 or $20 in your pocket.

Amazon No Longer Offers 2-Day Prime Shipping (Here's What To Do About It)

Call Them Up and Ask For a 1-Month Refund

When I have a problem with Amazon I usually start a live chat session as it’s easier to say exactly what I want to say.

BUT…for the first time ever, I recommend actually calling them at 1-(888) 280-4331 and say, “Why don’t I get 2-day Prime shipping anymore?”

I tried doing this via Live Chat and it just went in circles due to what I’m guessing was a language barrier.

At this point, give them your zip code and ask them to run it through their system to find out for sure whether your address qualifies for 2-day shipping.

Most addresses do indeed qualify for 2-day Prime shipping.

See Also: 5 Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is a Terrible Buy

If your address does qualify, then you probably already know the EXACT reason why you’re not getting your packages within 2 days.

It’s because Amazon can’t hold up their end of the bargain and they should pay for it.

This is when you politely ask for a 1-month refund on your Prime membership (approximately $10) because Amazon can’t hold up their end of the bargain.

I did this recently via a phone call to their customer service department and it took me all of about 5 minutes to score the $10 refund.

There was ZERO hesitation from the rep I talked with and I think they are trained to hand out this refund for those who politely ask for it.

Note: My family orders from Amazon at least 1-2 times per week and I’m not sure if that played a role in getting the 1-month refund, but in either case, it’s definitely worth a shot.


From the comments section, several Amazon Prime members were actually given a $20 “inconvenience credit”.

Since we we know that a $20 credit is on the table, you might as well ask for it. You stand a decent chance of them giving it to you, and if they don’t just try again later with a different CSR.

Hold Amazon’s Feet to the Fire

I realize Amazon’s been hit by unprecedented demand in recent months, but let’s not forget they are one of the richest companies in the world.

Now that the economy and stores have opened back up in most of the country, the demand for online shopping has been greatly reduced.

Yet Amazon still can’t figure it out and solve their order backlog issues.

Originally, Amazon wanted to blame it on the pandemic and now they claim it’s 2-days from when the order leaves the warehouse giving them the green light to blame delivery services and bad weather.

I’d have no problem buying that argument back in 2021…BUT NOT NOW.

It’s my opinion that Amazon was losing money on the 2-day shipping guarantee and is using the current situation as a handy way to get rid of the fast shipping guarantee altogether.


Fortunately Amazon is the not the only company offering free shipping with guaranteed 2-day delivery.

Notably, take a close look at a Walmart+ membership. For $98 a year (30-day free trial), you get free shipping with no minimum and most items are either next day delivery or 2-day. You also get free delivery from your local Walmart with a $35 minimum along with 10¢ cents/gallon savings at gas stations including Exxon and Mobil.

And it’s no surprise that the prices at Walmart are typically better than Amazon.

Sidenote: My wife is a Kindergarten teacher and she came home the other day telling me that many of her colleagues have stitched from Prime to Walmart+ and they couldn’t be happier. Very anecdotal I realize, but I think the momentum is building.

See Also: Not Getting Amazon Delivery on Sunday? Here’s Why

I’d be SHOCKED if 2-Day Prime shipping ever came back at this point.

So the bottom line is get your $10 refund NOW before they aren’t so generous.

The customer service rep also told me that MANY people are calling to cancel Prime, she said she had already cancelled over 50 memberships in the past couple days.

Here’s what a chat rep told me when I asked him if Prime members were complaining about the issue:

Amazon Chat


Thanks to reader Joseph, who commented recently letting us know that his Amazon Business account has been delivering in 2-days since last September. The interesting part is that his “regular Prime account” is stuck at 4-7 days for delivery.

Since an Amazon business account is FREE to join, and also gives you quantity discounts, setting up an account could be worth a shot. Also, in case you were wondering, he said his business is not COVID related in the slightest.

Prime 2-Day Shipping Has Turned Into 5-Day Delivery

The reason that 2-day Prime shipping has turned into 5, 6, or even 7-day shipping has nothing to do with UPS or the USPS.

It falls 100% on Amazon as they now say that the “2-day shipping guarantee” is from when they actually process your order and get it in the mail.

So if it takes them a couple days to box it up and ship it out, then you’ll get it delivered to your home in about 5 days on average.

See Also: Amazon Package Arriving Late? Here’s How to Score a Refund

If you’re like me, the main reason you joined Prime and paid $139/year was for the 2-day shipping, so this is KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

Ask the Reader: Are you a Prime member? If so, when was the last time Amazon delivered something to you in 2 days?

By Kyle James


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I asked all my prime membership money by and they refunded all of it. You don’t need a Prime membership in order to be able to order from Amazon. Prime video isn’t worth the membership fee.


Without prime, how much is shipping? 90% if the time, I find things cheaper on Walmart with paying shipping. I’m curious if prime prices are inflated to cover shipping. Compared to non prime members prices.


“I’m curious if prime prices are inflated to cover shipping” My reply is of course prices are inflated. Nothing is free. How many times have you seen any company give something to a person truly in need. It doesn’t happen. The rich only enrich the rich, plain and simple.


I’ve resisted the urge to buy a prime membership and i’m glad judging by the comments here. I have tried a couple prime free trials, but on neither occasion was the shipping impressive. And, i can do without all the other junk they offer with a membership. I live alone, no teenagers etc clamoring for music and movie streaming. So there’s absolutely nothing to be gained by paying for a membership. Jeff Bezos does not need my money!

Lynn Freespoken Ava

You couldn’t be more correct! Forbes: “Jeff Bezos founded e-commerce giant Amazon in 1994 out of his garage in Seattle. He stepped down as CEO to become executive chairman in July 2021. He now owns a bit less than 10% of the company.”

Jeff has little to do with how Amazon is run now and ditched his responsibility to those who made him as rich as he is today. Those running this company and sit at the helm are greedy, heartless trash. I am 66 and became ‘disabled’ without a license or car to drive so I can’t return Amazon packages when they send something not as described or an item is damaged in transit. What started as being thanked for being a Prime member since 2011 turned into unenthusiastic refusal to send UPS to pick up a call tag issued by them. They want to charge ME to return packages on my dime evidently or using my flying carpet to another store they do now own, Kohls, a store I will never do business with for good reason.

Three of Amazon’s representatives insulted me and acted as if I was expecting pity for being unable to drive and nothing could be further from the truth. I simply asked them to do as they always had, wave the pickup fee they are now charging for UPS pickups. I hung up on two representatives and a third finally relented to this request but not before an uncomfortable unwillingness to discuss previous treatment by other representatives before him. Not only were they unapologetic for my treatment, they didn’t care and didn’t wish to hear another word and I was much too polite about it with a stunned silence, then hanging up in disbelief. This is NOT the Amazon I started doing business with at all anymore. They are training new people to slam their door in our faces much like Dell also did with outsourced service and for this I will be canceling my Amazon Prime account which has only two months to go after 12 years of paying them to in the end treat me without respect or an ounce of dignity. Shame on them. They deserve to loose our business! Like others I will turn to Walmart as often as possible and don’t need their ‘free’ services I’ve been paying dearly for. Today I’m every bit that furious with them, never mind that they’ve been taking their sweet time shipping my goods out on top of this.


Try Walmart+ (plus). They seem to be doing what Amazon used to, for less money. They’ll even deliver groceries free for orders over $35 (if you have a local store)


Hi, Lynn…60yrs old here with a tip: when you want to return something, all you do is tell the customer service rep to send you an email with the return label you can print out; I’ve been a member for 12yrs, and they’ve always done this. But 1 time one of them tried to tell me where I could take my item to return it on MY dime…I said NOPE…just send me the email like you’ve always done with the label. She said, Oh…ok…”…it was priceless! Hope this helps!

Amazoned out

Never receive 2 day shipping. Often item not shipped in 2 days. When I order Amazon never promises 2 day shipping, usually 4-5 days or longer


I don’t know what you folks are complaining about. I’m in London and we get our packages the next day. On one occasion, we even got it delivered that afternoon.


you’re in London, so shut up wanker! Goody for you that you got your stuff on time. These people didn’t, which is the whole point of their writing in.


Congratulations I guess? Obviously by reading other comments you’re in the minority. Way to be condescending. Because every country is the same right?


So that makes everyone else’s comments a lie? You have the brain of a gnat. Moron.


I ordered LED lights last night around 10:00 pm. They were delivered at 7:00 am the next day.


Cool story. You’re the exception clearly. Also, have fun with your Chinese made crap LED lights.. hope it was worth $139 LOL!!!!


Been a long time since two day shipping!!!! Going back to eBay

Whittam Deer

Yeah the 2 day shipping is done for. There Prime nowdays really is only for all the extras like the movies and things. Amazon’s shipping sucks! What would be nice of them is to offer you to pay for faster shipping if you wish to but if your a prime member nope all shipping is free, just the catch is, it will only take a month + to get to you! So don’t order anything and expect it in a couple days! Plus thing is NONE OF THEM ACTUALLY CARE!! Sure the customer service comes off as so nice and sweet yet they know there’s not a damn thing they can do about it! Really people need to start calling up and asking for managers and higher up the chain of command. Remember Customer Service is only messengers if you really want to hit them where it hurts get there managers on the phone and ream them out! Then of course there is the other way totally boycott using Amazon and make them loose money! Usually boycotting always works if only enough people do it to make it hurt there pockets!


I just started a 30 day trial of Walmart + (Plus). They offer real (free) 2 day shipping. I ordered an item Monday and I’ll have it by Wednesday. Amazon used to provide this service. I’m going to cancel Amazon Prime. $14.99/month for 7 days or more is just too much.

Tom M.

Same here. I Google searched “why doesn’t Amazon Prime ship in two days anymore?” and came across your blog as one of the first results. It is a 7 day turnaround for me. And like you said, it only takes about 2 days to ship, but what I have noticed is that it just sits there after I order…for 4 or 5 days.
I think Amazon is just waiting for me to order more things so they can ship it in one box and save some $$$…and not pass it onto me. More profit for them.
Need to look for alternatives to Amazon, for the first time in my life. Maybe Walmart subscription???

Chris MacDonald

So I have prime. I get most of my stuff on time but not within the 2 days, I live a bit away from a city so I understand the one or two day difference. What I don’t understand is preordering and then when it’s released, charge my card and then changes the shipping time. What…so you ship it from Ontario and I live in Alberta, do you ship it you don’t you ground ship it. What is that. Deeply disappointed and really thinking about cancelling membership, what’s the point, I didn’t join it to get Prime Video, I joined way before that 2013 and I’ve just about had enough with this crap.


Very disappointed with the shipping time. Fast shipping was one of the biggest reasons I signed up for Prime. Shipping is now 7 days. I don’t use Prime movies, so I’m wondering to myself why I am bothering to keep Prime. I don’t order much from them anyway anymore, so it’s not worth it. I think you should send all of these comments to Amazon there are 810 of them! 🙂


I’m a business prime customer and just ordered some paper and ink that was in stock and shipped from Amazon. It gave me a 6 day delivery. I think another problem with the shipping is that Amazon is trying to get into the trucking business to eliminate UPS, Fedex, and USPS. They are building warehouses and terminals everywhere. They have a long way to go and need a lot of capital to catch up with current Less Than a Truckload (LTL) carriers. I may have to go directly to office supply stores and bypass Amazon.


They will never stop using those companies, especially, the USPS.. Amazon drivers do NOT delivery any item over 20lb, they will ALWAYS give it to the Post Office for delivery..
I know this because I have to delivery ALL of Amazon’s hugh or heavy packages..


Amazon is a HUGE disappointment HUGE. Not only did they balk on their 2 day shipping the prime tv that comes with it is getting worse and worse… I barely watch it anymore because there’s nothing there of value to watch.

MY family is more then likely going to not renew Prime in the summer when it comes due. It’s just not worth it anymore.
You’re better off going with Walmart+… you get much quicker shipping and Paramount+ tv [yes just the basic plan but if you are on Prime they charged for it already yet most anything worth watching you have to pay an additional ‘rental’ fee for it].

So in a nutshell you can get anything you want from Walmart too.
at 98.00 a year… if you figure in Paramount+ then it’s really only costing about 49 a year…WELL worth it.

Amazon is only hurting themselves.

Last edited 2 years ago by John

Yes, this is ridiculous. Im definitely going to cancel my membership because that was the reason that I signed up for it anyway. Also, my account that I had for over a decade, was cancelled because I got a new phone number and was locked out of my account. I lost all of the video purchases that I had made over all those years because Amazon is to too stupid to realize that people change their phone number from time to time. The 7 day shipping is unacceptable. Don’t offer it if you can’t deliver. I was literally about to order hundreds of dollars worth of items until I checked the delivery dates. I can’t and WONT wait that long. I can’t even fathom how much money they are going to lose when everyone catches on to their deceit. Just shows that they have no respect for their customers.


My account doesn’t offer me prime delivery options like it did a couple years ago. I just have the free account shipping options, about a week for prime items. Non-prime items are faster than prime for me.. They told me that my location says unavaliable, whatever that means. They are still trying to fix it for me.


After reading your situation I cannot complain too much. Some things promised the next day often take two days. One item was delayed twice and I cancelled it but usually everything Prime is two days or less here in north Dallas but we are surrounded by warehouses.

I find Capital One to be largely a bust. Maybe they come through on a large item now and then but most of their bargains are not bargains when you add slow shipping and shipping charges.

Last edited 1 year ago by John

I just canceled my Prime membership and got a refund because I order items and given a delivery date then the items do not even get shipped until after the delivery date. It would be cheaper to pay for expedited shipping then paying $16.29 a month.. There is months that I pay for Prime and don’t even order anything so I can just use the $16 for 1-day shipping whenever I do order something..
I’m using Ebay from now on, get my items faster..

Also, yall pay attention at the size of the boxes that “Amazon” delivers themselves and compare that to the size of the boxes they hand off to the USPS for delivery, Amazon does NOT delivery HUGH OR HEAVY items, they are always giving to us at the Post Office to deliver.. You will never see an Amazon driver delivering an item over 20lb if the Post Office, at least not here..

Last edited 1 year ago by Amanda

Did 2 day shipping ever return for any prime members after the pandemic? Because I don’t have 2 day anymore. They are Next Day Delivery instead. I guess shipping service you get depends on your location.

I saw a new shipping option just a few days ago. Usually if I buy over $35 in qualified prime items, I’m given same day delivery. But since I was ordering at night (around 8 or 9pm), I was given overnight delivery which meant my order would be delivered when everybody was asleep. I was given an option between something like 2am to 5am delivery or 4am to 8am delivery. Anyone else ever see this?


This is ridiculous! I cannot believe Amazon is still blaming the shipping problem on the pandemic. Strange how all the other online shopping sites are back to normal. The free 2 day shipping is why most people join prime. I am no different. I was going to order something for my classroom, and when checking out it told me it would be here on Wednesday. It’s Sunday, and because it won’t be there until after 5, It would be too late. I needed it for Wednesday morning. Most likely canceling.


I just wish they didn’t advertise the arrival date as only a day or two away. Like I wouldn’t be miffed about my package taking a week to get here if that’s what the estimate days were when I order. Instead it lies and says it’ll be here in two days only to change to a 9 days AFTER I’ve already placed my order.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bri

I noticed that when my orders were delivered by an Amazon employee my packages were 1-2 days. For several months now only usps delivers my packages which is 3 or more days.