Amazon No Longer Offers 2-Day Prime Shipping (Here’s What To Do About It)

September 21, 2020 by Kyle James
Updated: October 9, 2024

Have you noticed that Amazon doesn’t deliver on their 2-day Prime Shipping anymore? It’s actually not even close for my address and I’ve had to return stuff to Amazon as I don’t need it by the time the package shows up. Anything that I want to buy today (a Monday) won’t be delivered until Sunday at the earliest. I tested this on a bunch of different shopping categories and made sure it was all products sold and shipped directly by Amazon, and none could be delivered before Sunday, 6 days from NOW. But alas, not all hope is lost, here’s what you should do to hold Amazon’s feet to the fire. It’ll only take a few minutes and put an extra $10 or $20 in your pocket.

Amazon No Longer Offers 2-Day Prime Shipping (Here's What To Do About It)

Call Them Up and Ask For a 1-Month Refund

When I have a problem with Amazon I usually start a live chat session as it’s easier to say exactly what I want to say.

BUT…for the first time ever, I recommend actually calling them at 1-(888) 280-4331 and say, “Why don’t I get 2-day Prime shipping anymore?”

I tried doing this via Live Chat and it just went in circles due to what I’m guessing was a language barrier.

At this point, give them your zip code and ask them to run it through their system to find out for sure whether your address qualifies for 2-day shipping.

Most addresses do indeed qualify for 2-day Prime shipping.

See Also: 5 Reasons Why Amazon Prime Is a Terrible Buy

If your address does qualify, then you probably already know the EXACT reason why you’re not getting your packages within 2 days.

It’s because Amazon can’t hold up their end of the bargain and they should pay for it.

This is when you politely ask for a 1-month refund on your Prime membership (approximately $10) because Amazon can’t hold up their end of the bargain.

I did this recently via a phone call to their customer service department and it took me all of about 5 minutes to score the $10 refund.

There was ZERO hesitation from the rep I talked with and I think they are trained to hand out this refund for those who politely ask for it.

Note: My family orders from Amazon at least 1-2 times per week and I’m not sure if that played a role in getting the 1-month refund, but in either case, it’s definitely worth a shot.


From the comments section, several Amazon Prime members were actually given a $20 “inconvenience credit”. Since we we know that a $20 credit is on the table, you might as well ask for it. You stand a decent chance of them giving it to you, and if they don’t just try again later with a different CSR.

Hold Amazon’s Feet to the Fire

I realize Amazon’s been hit by unprecedented demand in recent months, but let’s not forget they are one of the richest companies in the world.

Now that the economy and stores have opened back up in most of the country, the demand for online shopping has been greatly reduced.

Yet Amazon still can’t figure it out and solve their order backlog issues.

What ticks me off the most is Amazon wants to blame it on the pandemic and increased demand in online shopping.

I’d have no problem buying that argument back in March, April or May of 2020…BUT NOT NOW.

It’s my opinion that Amazon was losing money on the 2-day shipping guarantee and is using the current situation as a handy way to get rid of the fast shipping guarantee altogether.

See Also: Not Getting Amazon Delivery on Sunday? Here’s Why

I’d be SHOCKED if 2-Day Prime shipping ever came back at this point.

So the bottom line is get your $10 refund NOW before they aren’t so generous.

The customer service rep also told me that MANY people are calling to cancel Prime, she said she had already cancelled over 50 memberships in the past couple days.

Here’s what a chat rep told me when I asked him if Prime members were complaining about the issue:

Amazon Chat


Thanks to reader Joseph, who commented recently letting us know that his Amazon Business account has been delivering in 2-days since last September. The interesting part is that his “regular Prime account” is stuck at 4-7 days for delivery. Since an Amazon business account is FREE to join, and also gives you quantity discounts, setting up an account could be worth a shot. Also, in case you were wondering, he said his business is not COVID related in the slightest.

Prime 2-Day Shipping Has Turned Into 5-Day Delivery

The reason that 2-day Prime shipping has turned into 5, 6, or even 7-day shipping has nothing to do with UPS or the USPS.

It falls 100% on Amazon as they now say that the “2-day shipping guarantee” is from when they actually process your order and get it in the mail.

So if it takes them a couple days to box it up and ship it out, then you’ll get it delivered to your home in about 5 days on average.

See Also: Amazon Package Arriving Late? Here’s How to Score a Refund

If you’re like me, the main reason you joined Prime and paid $139/year was for the 2-day shipping, so this is KIND OF A BIG DEAL.

Ask the Reader: Are you a Prime member? If so, when was the last time Amazon delivered something to you in 2 days?

By Kyle James


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My Name

It was a 35 minute phone conversation for me…with 2 different representatives…the first one stating that 2 day shipping still was offered. When I challenged her to locate an item that I could order get within two days, she switched me to someone else finally. With both reps, I was still super polite, and told them that I knew they simply worked for Amazon and that I was not trying to make their day awful, but that Amazon is not living up to their promises. The second rep refunded me my entire year’s subscription price of $119.49. (Due to show in my account in 3-5 days, so we will see if that actually happens). I was persistent, but polite. Thank you for the article. Maybe Amazon will get a clue.


People are saying they are being offered $5 or $10 when complaining to customer service. That won’t do it for me. It would take at least $50 to satisfy me. I’m on the verge of cancelling now since I can drive to the nearest city, about 30 miles away, and buy almost everything I order. It’s just that the two day delivery offset the hassle of driving to the city. Now, with 2 day delivery not happening, it’s worth the hassle of the drive.

Laurie D

They also make you take your returns to the UPS store or the like. I shop online because I am disabled. I have always had the option to have UPS pick up return packages at my home, a service that was included with Prime. NO MORE! My thinking is that if they deliver the package to your home, then they should be willing to pick it up from your home. Of course they blame UPS for this. If I want them to send UPS to pick up at my home, a $7.99 fee will be deducted from my refund. In my case the local UPS has a gravel parking lot. There are no parking stalls, let alone handicapped parking. The counter where you need to take your packages is a good 40 or 50 yards away from where you park. Imagine a disabled person carrying a large box or several boxes in the rain (I live in a small beach town), with a can on a gravel parking lot 40-50 yards because Amazon bailed on the service they offered her. No notification of course. I actually emailed Amazon a nice long letter describing my situation and asking if there’s any way to waive the pick up fee. I do so much shopping with them the UPS driver is here every other day anyway. I received an automated email that said they’d respond to my email within 6 hours. As you can guess, I received zero response. I resent the email and still have received no response. Seems to be that Amazon has grown too big for it’s britches and doesn’t care anymore about their customers. For every customer who gets ticked off and leaves 5 more take their place.


Just wanted to say, I’ve never had a problem with asking a delivering driver if they would take an outgoing package for me. It already has the label so if they are already there, they usually don’t mind grabbing it for you! If they do, maybe contact your local UPS hub and see if you can make arrangements with them!


I dont in any way want to defend Amazon, but to be fair, UPS owns the $7.99 fee. Even if you set up your own account to ship UPS, they will charge you to come pick up the package if its from your residence. UPS doesn’t do anything residential without applying a fee.


this is incorrect. I’ve been shipping things via ups pickup for years now. I’ve never paid the pickup fee.


I got something sold and shipped by a seller near Atlanta (like 2.5 hours from me) and it got here in like 2 days. My other items are sold and shipped by Amazon and many will take 10-11

Andre Leonard

Amazon has proven to be an abject failure on 2 day delivery. I see 7 to 10 days being the norm.

If enough people cancel their Amazon Prime accounts Andy Jazzy and Jeff Bezos may get the message and try harder to come through on delivery.

As for me I cancelled. I remember when Amazon actually delivered on promises. Now they just offer excuses.


I just spent 20 min on the phone with 2 different reps and they would do NOTHING. I was super polite and got no where. I asked to be escalated to a supervisor and was unsuccessful.


My issue with Amazon Prime is that when you select a certain item to order it gives you an estimated delivery date. But after completing sale many times that date gets grossly extending or even given a range of delivery dates. Personally I think Amazon is trying to force a once a week delivery schedule on Prime members to save on shipping costs. I am a little disgusted with how I pay for better service and am not receiving it.


Same situation here….5-7 days. What really irritates me it that my neighbor a mile away who has a different zip code, still gets their amazon orders in 2-3 days. If i change the zip code on my account to the next one over, orders say 2-3 days. I tried that on all the zip codes surrounding me and same thing….for some reason my zip is getting my packages delayed into getting into the box. I looked back at all my orders and sure enough, its 2 day shipping from the time it ships…..who knows how long the order stays in the system till it gets boxed up. But why is my neighbors zip prioritized over mine…..frustrating…


I quit Amazon almost a year ago because where I live I almost never got 2 day shipping, and the fact that Seniors and Veterans do not get a discount on membership. Funny if you have an EBT card (welfare etc) which we are all helping to fund you get a 50% discount.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bruce

I just noticed this too (the discount for welfare recipients). This was the tipping point for me. I just canceled with them yesterday. My son is in the military and scrapes by while the guy up the road deals drugs, lives off of the government, multiple illegitimate kids, and gets catered to by these Web Giants.

Perturbed Amazon Customer

I find I am getting about 50% of my items with the 2 days. Some overnight. But I am in the middle of South Florida. What I find frustrating is I’ll go to checkout, and it will offer a delivery time if I order in the next 5 hours. I’ll back out to make a change to the offer, see I don’t like the change, and come back to the exact original order (all within 10 minutes) and that delivery date is no longer offered. I guess Amazon is punishing me for not immediately making the order?!?


Just want to say Thanks! My deliveries have gotten worse and worse for last few months so I finally searched on slow deliveries from Amazon and found your very helpful article. Just received my $25+ refund. I’ve been a prime member since 2001 and never really had any shipping issues until a few months ago. Also Amazon has changed so much, not as happy as I used to be.
Thanks again!


I just called and was first offered $10 then offered $25 when I pressed. I ordered 120 times in 2021 I saw (yeesh I need to cut back) and definitely mentioned that. It took 11 minutes to ask for and receive the credit. I’ve had late packages since the end of Nov (all 4-5 days average) and it’s just gotten worse. I may cancel my Prime, depending on if I can do my shopping at different vendors (Target does reliable 2-day shipping, as does CVS, and Chewy destroys all of them with their speed).


So it’s been about a month since you wrote your article, I had some luck. I had to get to a supervisor though, as I was told by 2 people I’m getting things late because things aren’t in stock. I said no everything I look up to order says 5 days from now. So got a supervisor on the phone and she is switching my “already paid amazon prime account” from being sent by UPS or USPS to Amazon Legistics, and it now will be sent to me in 2 days. Let’s see if this works. I also recieved a refund for inconvenience on my account.


I just canceled with them after reading this article. I attempted to contact customer service for an explanation to no avail. The rep actually stated “what do you want me to do about this”. I just laughed at her. Not a thing, I’m canceling because I’m not getting the service I pay for, you’re rude, and I’m not supporting multi-billion dollar companies that don’t care about their paying customers. Not to mention, I just noticed that EBT and Welfare recipients get a 50% discount on their memberships??? How is this right for the rest of us to foot the bill for a convenience and not a necessity while we get screwed in the process? Taking my business elsewhere.


Delivering to me on an island in WA state takes the week you mention above. But if I change the delivery address to my family in California who are near Amazon Warehouses, they can get it in much less time!

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