The One Airbnb and VRBO Hack That’ll Save You BIG Bucks on Your Next Vacation Rental

Updated March 1, 2025 by Kyle James

Both Airbnb and VRBO (Vacation Rental by Owner) have become online fixtures for travelers looking to book their next vacation home directly from the owner. You can often save a lot of money compared to booking a hotel or resort. But did you know you can typically negotiate an even better rate, especially on “last-minute” travel?

The One Airbnb and VRBO Hack That'll Save You BIG Bucks on Your Next Vacation Rental

I actually manage my parent’s beach condo via VRBO and occasionally get savvy travelers using this hack to save a little extra money on their lodging costs.

I’ll happily give them a “last-minute” discount to avoid the condo sitting empty, not earning a dime. Keep reading as I’m about to spill the beans on how best to make this hack work for you.

The “Last-Minute” VRBO and Airbnb Hack

Most VRBO property owners aren’t a big fan of having their vacation rental sit empty on any given weekend.

Go figure, huh? Use this to your advantage and try this last-minute VRBO and Airbnb hack to score a deal.

Here are the 6 keys to your success…

1. Just Ask

In your initial email inquiry about the vacation property, ask about the possibility of a “last-minute” discount.

2. Have Good Timing

I’ve found the happy spot for a successful last-minute discount to be in the 2 weeks leading up to your arrival date.

3. What Discount to Ask For

I like to start the negotiating by asking for 25% off the original nightly rate and be prepared to meet somewhere in the middle around 10-15% off.


After finding a property on Airbnb or Vrbo, search for the property’s unique name online to see if the host has a direct booking option.

Booking directly can often save you a lot of money, as it eliminates platform service fees.

Also, if you’re wanting to stay at place that you’ve stayed at before, contact the host directly and ask if you can book off the VRBO platform and avoid a bunch of the stupid fees.

I do this all the time with my parents condo when returning guests want to come back. I’ll have them pay via PayPal or Venmo and it saves them about 20% off their booking total.

4. What if They Won’t Budge?

Sometimes the owner just won’t budge from their normal nightly rate.

When this happens, it works really well to ask for the last night free if you’re staying more than 4 nights.

I’ve had a lot of success nabbing a free night this way.

5. Other Perks to Ask For

Also, ask if possibly the cleaning fee could be waived, or reduced by 50%.

Keep in mind that many vacation rental owners do their own cleaning and are often willing to remove, or reduce, the cleaning fee so their place doesn’t sit vacant.

This perk alone could save you $100 to $250 depending on how big the property is.

6. Always Be Polite

You always attract more bees with honey than vinegar. (Is that how the saying goes?)

Anyways, in your email and phone conversations with the vacation property owner, always be polite and cordial, and NEVER demanding. You’ll find your success rate quadruple (or more) by doing so.

Odds of success using this hack?

In my experience I’d guesstimate that about 60-70% of my last-minute inquiries have resulted in a discount of one type or another.

Not a bad way to save money on your next family vacation.

Ask the Reader: Do you use VRBO or Airbnb often to rent a vacation property? If so, have you ever considering using this hack to save some money?

By Kyle James

McDonald’s Secret Menu: Mickey D’s in a Whole New Light

Updated October 23, 2024 by Kyle James

My love affair with the McDonald’s secret menu started when I was in college and the local Golden Arches offered 2 Big Macs for $2. Needless to say I indulged often and my waistline paid the ultimate price. The prices have gone up quite a bit since my college days, but there are still smart ways to save money at McDonald’s. There are also some interesting items on the Mickey D’s secret menu that I recently discovered. Some of which will actually help you save money on your next meal. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments if I missed any menu items and I’ll investigate.

McDonald's Secret Menu: Mickey D's in a Whole New Light

I figured we’d break down the McDonald’s secret menu by category, hope it helps and bon appétit. Keep in mind that some of these secret menu items are known by all McDonald’s employees and some are a bit more “off the radar” and may require some assembly on your own. Drum roll please…

McDonald’s “Burger” Secret Menu:

All American Burger: This is basically a cheeseburger without the cheese, mustard, and onions. So, in case you’re keeping score, the All-American consists of a bun, beef patty, ketchup, and pickles.

Big Mac N Cheese: For the vegetarians out there, this is a BigMac without the cheese. Hmm, I think I’d just stay home and eat before I ordered this.

Big McChicken: This is a BigMac, but instead of 3 pieces of bread, you use 3 chicken patties. Yes, the chicken is like the bun, and you still have the 2 beef patties, cheese, lettuce, onions, and special sauce. What has the world come to?

Chicken Big Mac: This yummy treat has been available in Australia for quite some time. It’s basically a BigMac, but you substitute the 2 beef patties for 2 crispy chicken patties.

Chicken McGriddle: Order a McGriddle and substitute a fried chicken patty in place of the sausage or bacon. Yum.

Double Cheeseburger like a BigMac: Order a simple Double Cheeseburger but substitute mustard and ketchup for BigMac sauce. Trust me, it’s delicious and way cheaper than ordering a BigMac and you get the same taste.

Fried Egg Burger: Just add an egg round to any burger to get the trendy new fried egg on a burger taste.

Grilled Cheese: When you want to go meatless or maybe your kid loves grilled cheese sandwiches. This is simply a bun with melted gooey cheese in the middle.

The Land, Air, and Sea Burger: This bad boy is created when you combine a Quarter Pounder, Filet O’Fish, and McChicken between a single bun. Wow, has anyone ever ordered this one successfully? I’m guessing you’ll need a fork and knife to eat it.


You’ll have to order all 3 separately and create this behemoth on your own. Throw one of your extra buns in the middle and stack this sandwich however you like. Some people order a BigMac instead of a Quarter Pounder. Total overkill, you don’t need the extra bun or patty. The Quarter Pounder is a much cleaner way to build this bad boy.

Mc10:35: Get to McDonald’s around 10:35 am, when breakfast and lunch is available and create the Mc10:35. Order an Egg McMuffin and a McDouble and take the patties and cheese from the McDouble and add it to the McMuffin. The Mc10:35 is born.

McGangBang: A very unfortunate name for a burger that combines a McDouble with a McChicken. To make it happen, you simply place the McChicken directly inside the McDouble and chow down.

McKinley Mac: This is a BigMac, but ask for two 1/4 pound patties instead of the little patties that typically come on the “Mac”. This burger magically turns into a meat lovers dream sandwich.

Monster Mac: Hungry? Forget about the BigMac. The Monster Mac consists of 8 beef patties, 3 buns, and a whole bunch of cheese, lettuce, onions, and special sauce.

Poor Man’s Big Mac (Money Saver): This is my favorite item on the McDonald’s secret menu. Simply order a McDouble with no pickles and ketchup. Replace them with onion, lettuce, and special sauce. Boom, you have a Big Mac for a fraction of the cost. Sure, no bread in the middle, but I always that was odd anyways.

2 Cheeseburger Meal: This use to be my go-to meal when I was driving and eating at the same time. Tasty, filling, and not messy. Apparently it’s not on the regular menu anymore, but you can still indeed order it.

See Also: The Burger King Secret Menu Will Make You Bow to the King

McDonald’s “Breakfast” Secret Menu:

Hash Browns McMuffin: Order any Egg McMuffin, or breakfast sandwich, and add an order of hash browns to the middle. Fried potato heaven is the outcome.

McChicken and Waffles: Fried chicken and waffles is all the rage these days. Get this by ordering a McGriddle, minus the eggs, and substitute chicken instead of sausage or bacon. It’s heaven in a bite, heck, even throw on a little syrup for some sweetness.

Portugese Sausage McMuffin: When in Hawaii, order the Sausage McMuffin but substitute the spicy Portuguese sausage for a mouthful of Hawaiian flavor.

McDonald’s “Fries” Secret Menu:

Animal Style Cheese Fries: Okay, this one’s a stretch, but if you love animal style fries from In-N-Out Burger, you can duplicate it at the Golden Arches. Start by ordering a Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger, fries, and Big Mac sauce. Then take the onion and cheese from the burger, add it to the fries, followed by the Big Mac sauce. Boom, go to town and your animal-style creation.

Big Mac Sauce Fries: Ask for some BigMac “special sauce” to dip your french fries in. Most locations will give you some for free if you politely ask.

McCheese Fries: Two ways to make this secret menu item happen. First, order extra cheese on your burger then transfer it to your fries. Or politely ask for a piece of cheese on top of your fries and let the heat of the fries do the melting.

No Salt: If you don’t want salt on your fries, just politely tell them. This is a great way to get fresh and hot fries too.

McDonald’s “Dessert” Secret Menu:

Apple Pie McFlurry: This is when they add their yummy apple pie straight to a McFlurry and blend it. It’s a delicious blend, trust me.

Caramel Apple Sundae: This secret menu item is the hot caramel sundae with nuts along with some chunks of fresh apple. If they won’t do it for you, just order the apple wedges separately and do it yourself.


Have them fill a Sundae cup halfway with vanilla ice cream and a bunch of bacon, then top it off with more ice cream and add caramel sauce. Spin it for a few turns with a flurry spoon. According to a McDonald’s employee I talked to it’s super delicious. Basically a salted caramel concoction.

Cinnamon Melt A la Mode: Order a batch of Cinnamon Melts and a small vanilla soft-serve with a cone. Then throw the soft serve directly on top of the Cinnamon melts and let the party in your mouth begin.

McLeprechaun Shake: To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, McDonald’s rolls out the minty green Shamrock shake every March. Ask for a McLeprechaun shake in March, and they’ll blend a Shamrock shake with a chocolate shake. The result is pure heaven in a cup.

McCrepe: The McCrepe is made with a pancake wrapped around a yogurt parfait and sounds really yummy.

McCoffee Float: Just ask for some vanilla soft serve in your hot coffee. Apparently, many McDonald’s locations around the world already have this item on the regular menu.

Neapolitan Shake: Ask for it by name and you’ll get a milkshake with vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. They won’t be swirled together, but will instead be layered, but you can ask for whatever layering you want.

Orange Creamsicle: Order the vanilla soft-serve in a cup and add a little Orange Hi-C for a creamy citrus treat.

Root Beer Float: Similar to the In-N-Out secret menu, you can ask for a scoop of vanilla ice cream to be added to your root beer or Coke. Or any soda for that matter.

Strawberry Egg Nog Shake: When December rolls around, ask for a blend of the eggnog shake and strawberry shake and you’ll never go back…to, um, something else. Oh, be sure to get it topped off with whipped cream too.

Ask the Reader: Have you ever ordered anything from the secret menu at Mickey D’s? If so, what did you order and was it tasty?

By Kyle James

Photo credit to Mike Mozart.

The Jamba Juice Secret Menu : 45+ Yummy Smoothies and Counting

Updated September 18, 2024 by Kyle James
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The Jamba Juice secret menu is totally fun and completely delicious. In the past I’ve talked about how to save money at Jamba Juice, but today I want to break down their mysterious secret menu so you can discover your new favorite smoothie. If for some reason the smoothie artist hasn’t heard of the one you order, I’ve included the ingredients to the best of my knowledge. Enjoy.

Jamba Juice Secret Menu


The “Unofficial” Jamba Juice Secret Menu:

Here are all the secret menu smoothies at Jamba Juice. I dug around and came up with a whole bunch of drinks that aren’t on the big board. So go get a brain freeze with a secret new flavor.

Andres Surprise: This tropical favorite has an orange juice base, then add a little raspberry juice. Next, it comes with 2 scoops of orange sherbet, 1 scoop of pineapple sherbet, 1 scoop of mango, and 1 scoop of peaches. Who the heck is Andres?

Apple Pie: Ask for an Apple Pie smoothie and get the delicious fall favorite all year long. If they don’t know how to make it, just buy a pie and throw it in the blender.

Banana Cream Pie: Banana lovers will dig this one. It’s made with frozen yogurt, soy milk, and of course bananas.

Berry Depressing: Nothing sad about this one. Ask for it and you’ll get a scrumptious blend of a bunch of different berries.

Berry Lime: This one is similar to the “Strawberry Surfrider” and comes with raspberry juice, oj, 2 scoops of raspberry sherbet, 1 scoop of strawberries, 1 scoop of raspberries, and ice.

Bluetopia: This is one of my favorite smoothies. Made wit blueberry juice, non-fat yogurt, soy milk, ice, and blueberries. Try it once and you’ll never go back to their regular menu.

Bubblegum Blast: The next best thing to blowing real bubbles is this smoothie made up of soy milk, frozen yogurt, strawberries, pineapple sherbet, and raspberry sherbet.

Butterfinger: This one sounds weird but I’ve heard it’s delish. It’s carrot juice, 2 scoops fro-yo, chocolate base, peanut butter, and ice.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries: This is a Chocolate Moo’d smoothies with 1 scoop of frozen yogurt and 1 scoop of strawberries.

Dirty Orgasm: This x-rated smoothie is peach juice, 1 scoop orange sherbet, 1 scoop pineapple sherbet, 1 scoop of strawberries, and 2 scoops of peaches. I might be embarrassed to order it though…

See Also: 6 Cool Ways to Save Money at Jamba Juice (Brain Freeze Optional)

Dream Machine (Lemon): Half parts lemonade and soy milk. Then throw in 1 scoop of lime sherbet and 1 scoop of frozen yogurt and blend with ice.

Dream Machine (Orange): Half parts OJ and milk. Then throw in 2 scoops of orange sherbet and 2 scoops of frozen yogurt and then blend with ice.

Dream Machine (Pineapple): Half parts pineapple juice and soy milk. Then throw in 1 scoop of lime sherbet and 1 scoop of frozen yogurt and then blend with ice.

Dream Machine (Raspberry): Half parts raspberry juice and soy milk. Then throw in 1 scoop of raspberry sherbet and 1 scoop of frozen yogurt and then blend with ice.

Dream Machine (Strawberry): This creamy beauty has a soy milk base, 2 scoops of strawberries, 2 scoops of frozen yogurt, and it’s then blended with ice.

Fruity Pebbles: Fred and Wilma would be proud of this one, bam-bam too I’m guessing. It has soy milk, a scoop of lime sherbet, a scoop of raspberry sherbet, a scoop of pineapple sherbet, and then a scoop of orange sherbet.

Gummy Bear (Chocolate): Think of it like drinking a gummy bear dipped in chocolate. It has a lot of stuff in it including peach juice, soy milk, and a scoop of lime, pineapple, orange, mango, and raspberry sherbet. Then add ice and a chocolate base and blend’r together.

Gummy Bear (Green): Prefer the green gummy bear? Order this and you’ll get lemonade, soy milk, 3 scoops of lime sherbet, and a single scoop of pineapple and peach sherbet.

Gummy Bear (White or Clear): If you like the white gummy bear, order this bad boy. It consists of peach juice, soy milk, strawberries, and a scoop of the following 4 sherbets: lime, mixed berry, pineapple and orange.

Hello Jesus: I’m guessing the name of this smoothie is the first thing the employee said when they tried this concoction. It consists of  soy milk, peach juice, lime sherbet, orange sherbet, strawberries, and ice. Sounds good and fruity.

Hulk: Can you guess what color this one is? It’s made with lemonade, frozen yogurt, and matcha (green tea) powder. Having tried it myself, I can definitely say it’s not for everyone.


Just a heads up as I know the name “Hulk” sounds super cool and you might be persuaded to try it…Matcha has a very distinct flavor. My daughter actually spit this one out. It definitely has a little seaweed taste to it, and no it does NOT taste like fish. More like a salty spinach or something along those lines.

Thank You Jesus: I’m guessing the name of this smoothie is the first thing the employee said when they tried this concoction. It consists of  soy milk, lemonade, lime sherbet, pineapple sherbet, and strawberries. Sounds good and fruity.

Lemonade Lightning: If lemonade is your thing, then you’ll want to catch lightning in a bottle and ask for this Jamba Juice secret menu smoothie by name. Apparently it’s lip-smacking delish.

Melonade Wave: This smoothie is part watermelon, part lemonade and rides to the roof of your mouth like a Santa Cruz wave.

Now and Later: Another candy from my childhood. Now I can get the Now & Later taste in my next smoothie. Cool, I think.

Orange Whip: I love orange smoothies, probably my favorite. This has an OJ base, then add orange sherbet and a scoop of froyo and ice. Yes, please.

Orchard Oasis: The Orchard Oasis has a peach juice base, then add a scoop of pineapple sherbet along with a scoop of fresh blueberries and strawberries. Then blend with the frozen water.

Pacific Passion: I like this one as it brings in the little-used passion fruit/mango juice. Then throw in a couple scoops of pineapple sherbet, 2 scoops of strawberries, and a scoop of peaches. Blend with ice and you’re good to go.

Peanut Butter & Jelly: This sounds really gross, but to each their own. It’s got a soy milk base, 2 scoops of froyo, 2 scoops of strawberries and a scoop of blueberries. No peanut butter? Huh, okay.

Piña Colada: Start with pineapple juice, add coconut, froyo, pineapple sherbet, ice, and a scoop of bananas. I’d probably bring it home and throw some rum in too.

Pink Starburst: This sweet Starburst smoothie has equal parts lemonade and soy milk. Then throw in some raspberry and plain sherbet, fro-yo and of course, strawberries.

Purple Dinosaur: I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family. This secret Jamba Juice smoothie is made with soy milk, froyo, pomegranate juice, blueberries, strawberries, banana, and raspberry sherbet.

Push-Pops: I loved push pops when I was a kid. My dentist? Not so much. What’s in it, nobody knows, but it’s quire popular apparently.

Rainbow Sherbet: You can probably guess what this one tastes like. It has a soy milk base and a whole bunch of fruit.

Raspberry Rainbow: If you love raspberries more than life, order this sucker. It’s got raspberry juice, low-fat milk, real raspberries, ice, and a scoop of bananas.

Raspberry Refresher: Similar to the Rainbow, but it has raspberry sherbet rather than the milk.

Reeses Pieces: Fun fact: After ET phoned home he sauntered down to Jamba Juice and ordered one of these. It’s got soy milk, chocolate, and of course some peanut butter and suppose to be delish.

San Diego: This SoCal citrus themed smoothie is a secret menu classic. Features orange juice, lemonade, orange sherbet, lime sherbet, and frozen water.

Simply Red: If you like strawberry and banana yogurt, you’ll love the Simply Red.  It’s made with soy milk, froyo, strawberries, banana, and blended with ice.

Skittles: I’m guessing Marshawn Lunch loves this smoothie. It’s made with lemonade, lime sherbet, froyo, and a scoop of strawberries. Tastes just like the classic chewy candy.

Smarties: This one is amazingly similar to the popular candy. It consists of soy milk, pineapple, blueberries, and raspberry sherbet.

Sour Patch Kids: The popular candy comes to a smoothie. It gets its sourness from lemonade, then add a scoop of these sherbets: blueberry, raspberry, lime, orange, and pineapple.

Strawberry Cheesecake: Oh wow, this one sounds good. It consists of a white grape juice base, a couple scoops of froyo, some ice, and a scoop of strawberries.

Strawberries Lightning: This one is a take on Strawberries Wild but is apparently a little more tart as it has some lemonade in it.

Sunny Delight Smoothie: Sunny D comes to a smoothie, finally! It’s got OJ, lemonade, 2 scoops each of orange and lime sherbet and finally blended with some ice.

Thank You Jesus: Similar smoothie to the “Hello Jesus”. This one consists of lemonade, soy milk, lime sherbet, pineapple sherbet, and strawberries.

Tootsie Roll: Ask for it by name and hopefully your JJ location has a smoothie artist familiar with this tasty concoction that tastes just like the classic candy.

Tropical Awakening: This tropical beauty has mango/passion fruit juice, a scoop of bananas and a scoop of mango.

Tropical Tango: Throw in some mango, some peach, some passion fruit juice and what do have? A Tropical Tango smoothie of course.

Now go forth and indulge from the Jamba Juice secret menu. A brain freeze is completely optional but highly recommended.

By Kyle James

Photo by Social Woodlands.