Highly Clever Tricks to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Updated May 6, 2024 by Kyle James

Studies show that you’re going to spend between 5 and 6 percent of your income on groceries across the course of your life. Since the average American spends a total of about $4 million between graduating high school and…well…graduating from life itself, that means you’ll burn through $200,000 to $250,000 of grocery money in your life. Fortunately, these 24 clever tips will help you save big on your next trip to the grocery store.

Clever Tricks to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Work the Edges

The most nutritious and best value foods are on the perimeter of the store: your fruits and veggies, dairy, unprocessed meats, etc.

If you spend more than half your time in the center aisles, check your list and make some changes.

My wife will actually “shop backwards” and start her shopping in the back aisle and work her way to the front.

Often, staples like dairy, meats, and bread are at the back, so you’ll end up filling your cart with necessities before reaching impulse buy areas near the front of the store.

Shop Online for Non-Food Items

When I say non-food items, I mean things like cleaning supplies, paper products, shampoo, soap, and Ziploc bags.

Grocery store “pricers” know you’re willing to pay a little more to not make another stop, and they charge you a lot more for the convenience.

Use Amazon, Walmart.com or another online platform to save as much as 50% on those items.

See Also: Amazon Coupons: Where To Find Them and Hacks for Success

Choose Ugly Produce

Many grocery stores offer discounts on produce that is perfectly edible but might not look as appealing (often called “ugly” produce).

Seek these items out as they’re typically cheaper and just as good in terms of taste and nutrition.

Buy Staples All at Once…On Sale

Fill your pantry with canned goods, dry staples like rice and pasta, and storables like breakfast cereal and soda.

A little planning can give you a good idea of how much you’ll need for a 12-week stint, then buy it all the next time it’s on sale.

Shop on a Wednesday

Wednesdays are when many grocery stores discount items that aren’t moving, but still honor the sales from the previous week.

So you can save on two different sets of items.

Note we said “many.” Confirm this, but shop on Tuesday or Thursday if you find your store differs from the trend.

See Also: What Day to Shop? 12 Insider Tips on Store Markdowns

Double-Check the Bulk Options

After spending the 80s and 90s getting us used to the idea of paying less per ounce of food for larger packages, grocery stores now often make the bulk packages cost more per ounce than the same amount bought in smaller boxes.

Use a calculator, or check the price per unit note on the tag before buying.

In fact, Kiplinger has put together a list of the worst goods to buy in bulk.

See Also: Costco Hack: How to REALLY Buy in Bulk and Save Money

Late at Night or Early Morning Hack

Shopping during these times can give you access to markdowns that are applied before the store closes or right after it opens, especially on perishable goods.

As I’ve discussed before, Walmart is notorious for this, especially when it comes to meats and bakery items.

Shop With a List

Shopping with a list (and sticking to it) can reduce up to 65% from your grocery bill by helping you avoid impulse buys.

Having a written list doesn’t just protect you from extra purchases.

It saves you from making extra trips because you won’t forget a vital ingredient.

Buy Low, Buy High

Because grocery stockers know how tall average people are, they put the most expensive options at eye level.

Look above and below those options and you’ll often find equivalent choices at 20-40 percent lower prices.

Buy Frozen Seafood

The fresh seafood on ice is almost always just stuff taken from the freezer and marked up by as much as 40%.

Besides, frozen shrimp is still good by the time you get it home, unlike fresh seafood purchases that will be much closer to room temperature when you finally get it in the fridge.

Use Couponing Apps

Coupons are great, but they’re a hassle. Apps like Ibotta and Fetch take the hard parts out and just reduce your cost at the register.

We like Ibotta best as it lets you score rebates on generics like milk, produce, bread and eggs. Plus it works at any grocery store, even your local Ma and Pa corner store.

They even have a $10 sign-up bonus that they’ll give you after you redeem your first grocery rebate.

Also, be sure to check out Fetch as it’ll pay you to simply scan your receipt after you’ve unpacked all your groceries.

See Also: Fetch Rewards Review: Here’s How to Use it to Save BIG at the Grocery Store

Plate Your Portions

Studies show that you eat more if you sit down at a table with an empty plate and serving dishes, as compared to receiving a plate with the portions already meted out.

You save money on groceries and slim down at the same time.

Do Your Own Work…

Don’t buy peeled carrots, portioned oranges, premixed pancake batter, and other convenience foods. They cost far more compared to the raw ingredients than the extra labor justifies.

They’re also more likely to include chemical preservatives, colorants, and enhancers.

…Except at the Butcher Counter

Have the butcher cut your meat to the sizes, portions, and specifications you want. This saves you as compared to picking up the pre-cut slabs on styrofoam in two ways.

First, the cuts are often a few cents per pound less expensive.

Second, you’re buying only as much as you need. No rounding up because that’s the only size in the cooler that day.

See Also: 7 Genius Costco Bakery Hacks That Will Save You Money and Time

Shop in the Afternoon (and just before closing)

Many grocery stores change their prices throughout the day, jacking them up when the harried professionals are on their way home from work, for example.

You can usually get the best deals at mid-afternoon and before closing, but do a little research. Some shops work on a different rotation.

Have Dinner for Lunch

Make enough food at dinner time and pack it for lunch the following day.

Buying enough ingredients for that will save you big as compared to also buying lunch foods.

Especially if you work a job where going out to lunch is the norm.

Get a Little Puritan (and Vegetarian)

The two most expensive items on your weekly grocery bill will be alcohol and meat.

Try cutting your alcohol consumption by a night or two a week, and adding two vegetarian meals into your rotation. Then watch your grocery budget shrink.

Investigate Grocery Delivery

Oddly enough, some grocery delivery services can save you money. You become instantly immune to impulse buying. You often automatically qualify for store rewards.

Online deals are easy to take advantage of, and you use less gas. This doesn’t always pencil out with every service, but look into it.

Use a Smaller Cart

When grocery stores increased the size of their carts, sales went up by 40%.

Use those little carts to help keep yourself on track for buying less.

Check Different Locations

If an item you need is in different parts of the store, look at them both.

Sometimes, sesame seeds in the Asian aisle cost more than the same exact product over in bulk foods or baking. Weird, but true.

Shop With Cash

Study after study has proven that we buy less if we use cash. Between 15 and 40% less depending on the study

Run that math against the statistics we opened this article with.

Forty percent of a quarter million dollars is more than many of us make in a year.

Store it Smart

We throw away as much as 40% of what we eat. Storing our perishable foods the right way can cut that amount way down.

You’ll need to research the best practices for your favorite perishables, but it’s worth the time and effort.

See Also: The 14 Cheapest Grocery Stores Near You That’ll Save You Big

Shop Rarely

Each trip to the grocery store is another opportunity to impulse buy (plus expenditure of gas and time).

If you can get it together to shop just every other week, do it.

If not, one trip a week should be your absolute maximum.

Know the Bottom Price

Keep a shopping journal for several months until you’ve identified the lowest prices your store will charge for various items.

Whenever possible, wait to buy those groceries until they’re at or very near that bottom price.

This takes some longer-range planning, but it’s usually worth it.

Chew Gum

Every single one of us has deviated from our list out of temptation from the bakery, or freshly barbecuing ribs, or some other succulent scent.

Chew some gum while you’re in the store to mask those fiendish aromas.

See Also: Ultimate Guide: All The Store-Brands Made By Name-Brands

Shop Alone

A stack of studies have found we spend more when we shop with other people than if we shop alone — about 8 to 12 percent more.

That’s because each person in the shopping trip is another potential impulse buyer.

Final Thoughts:

We know. It’s a lot to take in. Who knew beating grocery stores at a highly researched, scientific game they’ve been improving for decades would be so hard?

That’s why we gave you 24 hacks. Starting this month, just take on 2 per month for one year.

The savings you get from that start will sell you on keeping them going until you win the lottery or they change the game.

Come back a year from now for 24 more, and we’ll keep your savings growing.

Ask the Reader: How do you save money on groceries? Any cool hacks that I need to add to my article?

By Kyle James

Photo credit to phrawr.

Dairy Queen Secret Menu: Get Your Blizzard On With These Tasty Treats

Updated September 20, 2024 by Kyle James

The Dairy Queen secret menu makes an already delicious treat even better. I’m always impressed with the thickness and creaminess of the fabled Blizzard and my kids absolutely love them. So I figured it was time to uncover the popular items on their secret menu. Be aware that not all DQ employees have heard of these, so I’ve added the ingredients for each in case you need to tell them how to make the concoction. Enjoy all of these Dairy Queen blizzard flavors that’re not on the menu.

Dairy Queen Secret Menu: Get Your Blizzard On

Banana Crème Pie Blizzard

Some Dairy Queen employees will know this secret menu item by name, some won’t.

So if you get a blank stare, just ask for a Vanilla Blizzard with pie pieces, sliced banana, and whipped cream.

If you love the pie…you’ll love the Blizzard.

Banana Split Blizzard

Most DQ employees will know this one by name.

But if you get a rookie employee, just order a “Banana Split Fixins swirled into a blizzard”.

Man, I love a banana split and this blizzard treat is a perfect Summer day replacement to the hot fudge.

See Also: The Dutch Bros. Secret Menu Is HUGE and Delicious…Over 80 Drinks

Birthday Cake Blizzard

To make this one happen you’ll start with a Vanilla Blizzard and add cookie dough and sprinkles.

Then top this bad boy with whipped cream and MORE sprinkles.

Thanks to current DQ employee Kenzie who says it tastes exactly like birthday cake.

Butter Beer Blizzard

To order the Butter Beer Blizzard ask for Butterfingers, Vanilla flavoring, and butterscotch (or caramel if there isn’t any butterscotch).

Thanks to current DQ Employee Trixy for dropping the 411 on this tasty concoction.

She HIGHLY recommends it and any Harry Potter fan would definitely get a kick out of it.

Chocoholic Blizzard

Love chocolate? Gotta try this one.

To make it happen you start with a Vanilla Blizzard and add brownie dough, Chocosauce, hot & cold fudge, and cocoa fudge.

Not done yet.

Then you add Heath bar, Reese’s, M&M’s, Oreo, Butterfingers and top it off with whip topping.

Wow, that sounds a little too rich for my blood but I’d give it a taste.

Thanks to current DQ employee Jesse for this great concoction.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

If you’re a fan of the cereal, you’re gonna want to try this one.

Order a Snicker-doodle blizzard and have them add in pie chips.

Caramel Fudge Nutty

Thanks to reader Andrea for this yummy new addition to my DQ secret menu.

The Caramel Fudge Nutty is simply a caramel sundae topped with hot fudge chocolate sauce and chopped pecans.

She says that most employees don’t know it by name, but with only 3 ingredients it’s an easy one to order.

Caramel Delight Pie

If you love caramel, check out this Blizzard.

It comes with pie pieces, choco chunks, and of course caramel syrup blended in.

It was once a limited time Blizzard, so most employees are versed in how to make it.

Choco Cherry Love

This one is also simple and sure to be a fave among cherry lovers.

It’s just a Vanilla Blizzard with chocolate chunks and cherries blended in.

Chocolate Chip Blizzard

Order this and you’ll get chocolate chips added to the regular Vanilla Blizzard.

Why this Dairy Queen secret menu item is NOT on the regular menu is a complete mystery to me.

See Also: Sonic Secret Menu: The Drive-In Menu That’ll Change Your Life

Choco Covered Strawberry

If you love chocolate and the taste of a strawberry milkshake, you’ll love this one.

It’s simply a Vanilla Blizzard with chocolate cone dip and strawberries blended in.

Coffee Blizzard

Another blizzard flavor not on menu is the “Coffee Blizzard”.

If you’re a fan of a coffee milkshake (kinda like a Starbucks Frappuccino), ask to have coffee syrup added to any Blizzard.

The “coffee blizzard” is the result and it’s a treat sure to excite any coffee connoisseur.

Cookie Jar Blizzard

Ask for for an Oreo Blizzard then get cookie dough mixed into it.

Sounds amazing, thanks to a RBS commenter for the tip.

Frozen Hot Chocolate

This consists of a Misty base, cocoa fudge and ice cream blended together then topped with some whipped cream.

Think of it like a chocolate freeze or even a Fudgsicle.

This DQ secret menu item is terrific treat for a hot summer day.

See Also: The Ultimate In-N-Out Secret Menu (Some of Which Will Save You Money)

Georgia Mud Fudge

This “chocolate lover” Blizzard is made up of brownie pieces, cocoa fudge and pecans.

Thanks to DQ employee Maddy for the tip, it sounds amazing!

Apparently this Blizzard treat used to exist on the menu so many employees are still familiar with it.

Hawaiian Blizzard

Bring home the flavor of the islands and order a Hawaiian Blizzard.

This delicious concoction consists of coconut, banana, pineapple and sounds amazing.

Marshmallow Creme

This one is pretty simple.

If you’re a fan of marshmallow, simply ask for marshmallow creme on top of any frozen dessert that Dairy Queen offers.

Guessing you can easily make some type of “S’Mores treat” with a little imagination.

Mocha Heath Treat

This is my favorite Dairy Queen secret menu item.

Order a Vanilla Blizzard and add coffee syrup, chocolate syrup, and Heath bar.

Blend it all up and the result is pure magic.

Ooey Gooey Caramel Brownie

Another limited edition Blizzard that you can still order from the “secret menu”.

It’s a Blizzard with caramel sauce, choco chunks, and a brownie blended in.

Sounds amazing. Just make sure you run a mile on the treadmill before you put one in your gullet.

Oreo Brownie Sugar Rush

This one is fairly self-explanatory.

It’s just a blizzard with Oreo, brownie, and hot fudge blended in.

Throw some marshmallow creme on top and you got your MEGA sugar rush.

Oreo Cheesecake

This one sounds really yummy.

Simply order an Oreo Blizzard and ask them to blend cheesecake into it.

The PB&J

Thanks to DQ employee Sierra for this one.

It’s her favorite and consists of 1 pump of peanut butter, strawberry toppings and pie chips.

Mix it up and ask for harvest berry instead of the strawberry.

Peanut Butter Crunch

Did you know you can get whole peanuts added to any Dairy Queen item?

Not many people do.

Throw some hot fudge and peanuts on top of anything and you’ll get a crunchy treat that’ll soon be your go-to DQ treat.

The PB Crunch Blizzard consists of peanut butter sauce and crunch pieces (not actual peanuts).

Samoa Blizzard

This was created by Ray, a DQ employee so you might have to order it by ingredients.

You simply ask for a Twix Blizzard and add chocolate cone dip and coconut.

Great way to satisfy your Girl Scout “Samoa cookie” cravings.

Tropical Sunrise

Order this DQ secret menu favorite and be immediately transported to the islands.

It’s a Blizzard with banana, coconut, pineapple, and guava blended in.

The guava is not needed to make this one magical if you’re on the fence about it. Apparently this treat is called the Hawaiian Blizzard when the guava is excluded.

Ask the Reader: Any Dairy Queen secret menu items that I missed? Let me know and I’ll sacrifice my waistline to give it a try.

Also, if you’re a current or former Dairy Queen employee I’d LOVE to hear from you.

Let me know in the comments of any items I’m missing, or feel free to correct the information I do have. I’m all about “getting it right”, so please leave a comment!

By Kyle James

Photo credit to Mike Mozart.

Walmart Pharmacy: We Answer All Your Pharmacy Questions

Updated September 4, 2024 by Kyle James

I’ve been getting a lot of questions recently about the Walmart pharmacy. Is it cheaper than other pharmacies? How does it compare to Costco’s pharmacy? How does the Express Pickup work? So I figured it was time to put fingers to keys and answer your burning questions in one handy dandy post. Hope it helps.

Walmart Pharmacy: We Answer All Your Pharmacy Questions

1. Are the Walmart Pharmacy Hours Different?

Yes, the Walmart pharmacy hours are different than regular store hours.

Most stores are open 24 hours a day, but most Walmart pharmacies are only open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Update: Starting in March of 2023 the Walmart Pharmacy (nationwide) will be closing at 7 p.m.

2. Does the Pharmacy Offer $4 Generics?

Yes, Walmart is one of a handful of national chains to offer $4 generics.

For your 4 dollars, you get a 30-day supply OR $10 for a 90-day supply.

Here is a Detailed List of all the $4 prescriptions Walmart currently offers, broken down by medical condition.

Takeaway: Always ask your doctor if a generic drug is available before he fills out the prescription.

See Also: 15 Things About the Amazon Pharmacy You Need to Know First

3. Does Walmart Sell Pseudoephedrine Products?

Yes, but they are NOT over-the-counter drugs.

But when buying products like Sudafed that contain pseudoephedrine you’ll need to show a valid I.D. to make the purchase.

This drug is used to make “meth” and thus the DEA regulation that requires a valid I.D..

4. Can I Pickup a Refill From a Different Walmart?

Yes, you can, but it requires an extra step.

Specifically, you’ll have to visit the online Walmart Pharmacy.

Next you’ll want to select the prescription you want to refill, then on the checkout page just select Store Pickup.

Lastly, select the new Walmart location where you want to pick-up your prescription. Done.

5. Can Someone Else Fill My Prescription?

Yes, they absolutely can.

They’ll need your name, address, and date of birth to walk out with your drug.

6. Any Way to Skip the Line Once I Get to the Pharmacy?

Absolutely you can, Walmart calls it their Express Pickup.

Just download the Walmart App and visit the Pharmacy section of the app. Tip: You’ll find it in Services.

Next, use the app to refill or transfer an existing prescription.

The app will then notify you when your prescription is ready.

At this point you can use the app to access Express Pickup.

All you have to do is use the app to pay for your drugs, sign your forms, and select Express Pickup.

When you get to the Walmart Pharmacy head straight for the Express Pickup line and wink at everyone standing in the long “regular people” line.

Then all you have to do is scan the QR code on your phone, grab your prescription, and walk out the door.

7. How Does Their Pharmacy Compare to Costco’s?

Costco might lose this battle.

Not only does Costco not offer $4 generics, but they also don’t offer an “express pickup” option like Walmart.

While Costco does offer a Member Prescription Program which offers some savings, they tend to only be on name-brand drugs like Viagra, Osphena, Relistor, and Victoza.

The one cool thing about the Costco Pharmacy is you DO NOT have to be a paying Costco member to take advantage.

Ask the Reader: What’s been your experience with the Walmart pharmacy? Let me know in the comments below.

By Kyle James

Photo credit to frankieleon.