Drug Testing at Target: What All New Hires Need to Know

September 9, 2022 by Kyle James
Updated: January 17, 2025

Target stopped drug testing during the COVID pandemic but has since resumed their drug screening…but NOT for all employees. I went out and talked to a couple current Target employees and got the inside scoop on exactly what you can expect during the hiring process. I hope you find this information helpful.

Drug Testing at Target: What All New Hires Need to Know

Yes, Target does do drug tests, but NOT all new hires are required to take one.

As of this writing, Target only drug tests you if you’re applying for a position like overnight stocker that requires the operation of heavy equipment like a forklift.

They also regularly drug test management positions, including new management hires as well as internal hires.

Update 1/21/2024 – A friend of mine just got hired in California as a Target security guard and he did have to do a drug test.

He also told me that they drug test for AP positions which are better known as Asset Protection or Anti-theft jobs.

Most Target Locations Test for Marijuana

Target does test for THC (marijuana), if you test positive for THC they reserve the right to NOT hire you.

I was told that on your initial drug test they are more interested in drugs like cocaine, heroine, meth, and opioids.


Since marijuana is legal in many states, Target has become much more lenient in their marijuana testing process.

So if you’re applying for job that requires a drug test, I would not be concerned if you have THC in your system. Just don’t show up to your interview stoned.

See Also: Target Employee Discount: Use It Correctly or Get Fired

A Marijuana Card Doesn’t Protect You

If you have a marijuana card, and live in a state where weed is legal, you’re NOT protected from Target’s workplace policies prohibiting drug use.

Target can’t punish you for using marijuana, but they can take action (i.e. – fire you) if they feel you’re working under the influence of THC.


When a drug test is required as part of your hiring process, Target often requires a 24-hour window.

The short timeframe is designed to discourage tampering or manipulation of results. It also demonstrates your commitment and readiness to comply with company policies.

Target will provide you a list of approved testing facilities where you can complete the test. I’ve been told that failure to complete the test within 24 hours generally results in the withdrawal of the job offer.

I was also told that if you have extenuating circumstances that don’t allow you to get it done within 24 hours, to proactively explain the situation as Target may provide you an opportunity to reschedule.

Not All Jobs Require A Drug Test

As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of Target new hires will NOT have to take a drug test.

You’ll be told in the interview process if the job you’re applying for requires a drug screening.

It’s safe to assume that only management, asset protection, security, and overnight stocker positions will require a drug test.

See Also: Here’s EXACTLY What You Need to Know About the Target Dress Code

Yes, You’ll Need to Pee In a Cup

If required to do a drug test, you’ll be asked for a urine test as part of the final hiring decision.

According to the Target website, they use a company called Accurate Background for all their drug screening.

You’ll either do the test on-site or at a testing location near you.

Be sure to bring a valid photo I.D. and a full bladder.

See Also: Does Amazon Drug Test? Here’s EXACTLY How It Works

A Fail Test Usually Leads to Dismissal

Whether you fail your initial drug screening, a random drug test, or a test after an accident, your days of wearing a red shirt are probably behind you.

If you fail your drug test during the hiring process you’ll have to wait 6 months before you can re-apply for a job at Target.

Target Will Test After an “Incident”

Like most large retailers, Target reserves the right to ask for a drug test if you’re involved in an incident at work that causes bodily injury or damage to property.

If you refuse the drug test it’s basically considered a failed drug test and you’ll probably get fired.

Target Will Also Run a Background Check

Target does indeed perform a background check which they outsource to Accurate Background.

They main thing Target is interested in is your criminal record and if you have any felonies on your record.

I was told by a Target employee that they personally know of at least two employees that were still hired with a criminal record.

Target believes in 2nd chances, and if you have good employment references, you still stand a good chance of getting the job.

See Also: Does Walmart Drug Test? Here the Full Scoop

Be Prepared For Random Drug Tests

As part of your employment contract, you give permission for Target to perform random drug tests if they feel it’s warranted.

I was told you’ll probably never be asked to do a random test unless management suspects you’re coming to work high and it’s effecting your productivity.

Ask the Reader: Have you work at Target (or currently do) and had to take a drug test? Was it a random test or a pre-employment drug screening? Was it an easy process?

By Kyle James


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How can you be sure they only do a urinalysis instead of a swab?

Sam jackson

Why about guest advocate ?


Do you know if they allow Delta8 in Target NC?


Will they test for interns on pre-employment?