The Nordstrom Employee Discount: Things To Know Before Your Interview

September 21, 2021 by Kyle James
Updated: January 24, 2025

If you found this article you’re either considering applying for a job, or a new hire trying to figure out exactly how the employee discount at Nordstrom works. In either case, they have a solid discount for employees, especially when you can tack it onto clearance and final sale merchandise.

Nordstrom Employee Discount: Things To Know Before Your Interview

They Have a “Variable” Employee Discount

Their employee discount is either 20% -or- 33% depending on your level of employment.

Regular hourly employees get a 20% discount while management gets a very solid 33% discount.

I’ve also been told that some department managers, and what they term all-stars (like employee of the month), can also qualify for the 33% discount for limited periods of time.

The only item at Nordstrom that does NOT qualify for the employee discount is Gift Cards.


I recently talked to a former Nordstrom employee and picked her brain about their discount.

She told me that they’ll do fairly routine audits and look for employees using their discount fraudulently and often fire folks because of it.

She said the biggest culprit was family members using their loved ones employee number, but their own credit card. She told me it was instant RED FLAG and very easy to detect, so DO NOT do it unless you want to get canned.

Gotta Use a Nordstrom Card to Get the Discount

You’ll need to use either a Nordstrom Visa card, Nordstrom credit card, or Nordstrom Gift Card as payment in order to get the discount.

Sound confusing? Nordstrom offers BOTH a retail credit card that can ONLY be used at Nordstrom, and a Visa card than can be used anywhere that accepts Visa.

Both cards will have your employee number on the back which is used for proof of employment.


Nordstrom Rack employees also get an employee discount that they can use at regular Nordstrom stores.

I called Nordstrom to specifically ask this question and I was told that Rack employees can use their discount at all Nordstrom stores except Last Chance stores.

See Also: The 15 Best Employee Discounts at Fast Food Restaurants

Eligibility Starts Really Quickly

You’re eligible for the employee discount as soon as you have an employee number and receive your first paycheck.

This is done to prevent people from getting jobs at Nordstrom simply to take advantage of the discount and then abruptly quitting.

The discount applies to both part-time and full-time employees.

Family Members and Spouse are Eligible

Specifically, family members under the age of 25 who live with you, along with your spouse, are indeed eligible for the employee discount.

Potential workaround: If a family member (other than your spouse or child) wants to use your discount in-store, they should pay in cash.

For online orders, you’ll need to place the order yourself using your credit card to apply the discount, and they can reimburse you afterward.


You can indeed stack your discount with a sale price.

For example, if an item is originally $200 and is on sale for 25% off, the price drops to $150.

Then, with your 20% employee discount applied, the price drops to $120 + tax. This isn’t a full 35% off because the percentage discounts are applied sequentially, not added together.

See Also: Nordstrom Price Match Policy: Everything You Need to Know (and Much More)

Look For a Bump Around the Holidays

Some Nordstrom locations will increase their employee discount around Christmas and other holidays.

From my research, it seems to come down to the discretion of individual store managers, but the discount boost averages 10% – 20%.

“Final Markdown” Stuff is Included

Considering that Final Markdown items are often already 50% to 80% off the original price, the employee discount on top of that makes for a GREAT discount.

You’ll Get The Discount Online Too

To make it happen you must start the process on this page.

You’ll be asked sign-in to your Nordstrom account or create one if you don’t already have one.

Next you’ll enter your employee number and follow the steps to collect your discount.

On the checkout page, enter EMPLOYEE in the “promotion code” box.

Then enter your employee number in the space provided and you should be good to go.

See Also: Nordstrom Return Policy: Answers to Your 8 Biggest Questions

Ask the Reader: Do you work for Nordstrom? Let me know if I’m missing any details concerning their employee discount.

By Kyle James

Photo credit to Mike Mozart.


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You can also use a debit card or cash to pay for your items.


Not for online purchases


Can you use a gift card to do pickup orders and use your employee discount?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kelly

In point “1”; you used the incorrect spelling. Should be “their”

Elizabeth M

Hi! Do you know if Nordstrom employees receive a tonal discount?


I work for Nordstrom and you don’t get a discount with Tonal.


Do employees contractors get employee discount?


Does the discount apply to designer items, a YSL handbag?


What about for somebody who work for Nordstrom for almost 20 years still have the discount or loose that