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    Ask The Readers: Bad Customer Service At Old Navy?

    April 22, 2008 by Kyle James
    Updated: April 29, 2024

    I am looking for some feedback on store coupon policies. A couple weeks ago my wife bought some summer clothes for our 3 kids at our local Old Navy store. She found some nice deals and ended up spend a little under $50. A couple days later we got an Old Navy coupon in the mail that was good for 20% off your order when you use your Old Navy credit card, which we have.

    Ask The Readers: Bad Customer Service At Old Navy?

    So my wife says, “Bummer, I just bought the kids some clothes from Old Navy a couple days ago.” Which I responded, “Not a bummer, I’m sure they will honor your coupon.” In my head I am reasoning this with a few things.

    • First, since we are Old Navy credit card holders, I am sure they will bend over backwards to keep us happy.
    • Secondly, it is just good customer service to honor a coupon in this way.
    • Thirdly, they would never say “No” because people would just return the merchandise and buy it again with the 20% off coupon.

    So my wife agrees with me and the next day she goes back in the store with the coupon and clothes in the original bag. I should also point out that the clothes still have the tags on them and have not been used or washed. She walks up to the register, where she actually got the store manager, and the conversation goes like this:

    My Wife: “I was just in here a couple days ago and bought these clothes. Then I got this coupon in the mail for 20% off and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to honor the coupon on this purchase.”

    Old Navy Manager: “Sorry, I can’t do that.”

    My Wife: “But I just got this coupon in the mail”.

    Old Navy Manager: “Sorry, ma’am, that is just our policy. But you still have a couple weeks to use that coupon on another purchase.”

    My Wife: “What is to keep me from just returning it and buying it back with the coupon?”

    Old Navy Manager: (Glaring at her like she is a cheap, crazy woman.) “Nothing I guess.”

    Ticked off, my wife left the store and called me. I had a few choice words for Old Navy customer service.

    Not helping the situation, she hung up on me and decided she was just going to return the stuff. Then maybe in a couple days go back in and use the coupon.

    She returned the clothes and we have yet to go back into the store. It just left a bad taste in our mouth.

    I don’t think we are swindlers or cheap people. Or are we?

    Or is Old Navy just acting on a sound business model by not honoring the coupon in this way? What is you opinion?

    It reminds me of the whole Apple iPhone thing when they lowered the price $200 overnight and essentially said “tough luck” to those loyal Apple users who bought the phone at the original price.

    After taking a heat wave of criticism, Steve Jobs finally offered a $100 store credit to anyone that bought the iPhone at the original price.

    In my example, we are the loyal user who is left holding the bag of clothes at full price.

    So give me your opinion! Do you agree with the Old Navy coupon policy?

    Have you had a similar experience with a different outcome at Old Navy or another store? I look forward to your comments.


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    Old Navy employee


    I think you may have misunderstood the point I was trying to make about customer service, so I’ll try to explain myself further.

    I (as well as anyone else I’ve ever worked with in retail) have no problem with the basic level of customer service that I’m required to do as part of my job. Basic meaning: greeting the customer, being friendly, inviting them to join the email list, inviting them to sign up for the Old Navy credit card, helping them find items, assisting them in the fitting room, looking for sizes in the backroom, etc.

    However, I DO have a problem with: ridiculous demands (“I want the size you don’t have and I want it now!”), general rudeness (cell phones, bad attitudes), people who think store policy doesn’t apply to them (trying to return things past the 90 day return period, returning items that have clearly been washed and worn), people who abuse the coupons, etc.

    How do I treat “difficult” customers compared to the “normal” ones? Exactly the same–same greeting, same questions, same service. THESE, however, are the people that I refuse to “bend over backwards for” because that’s NOT part of my job requirement. If a situation arises, we are trained to call a manager over to deal with it, and they can settle it as they wish.

    And quite honestly, it’s not my job to “bend over backwards” for anyone–my job, defined by the company I work for, is to sell the product, abide by company policy, and provide customer service in the ways I listed above. It is not defined as “bend over backwards trying to please every customer who walks through the door, completely ignoring any company policy, and letting them do whatever they want just to keep them happy.” That sounds the job description of a nanny who is hired to watch a spoiled child.

    Again, poor customer service does not equal not abiding by the store policy, and I find it a bit odd that you think that to be the case. It is there for a reason. To be honest, I’m not sure of the exact reasons–all I know is that my job is to enforce it. Imagine if someone had purchased something two years ago, and wanted to use a coupon they received yesterday on that purchase.

    I do not see myself as rude or as having a pessimistic view on customer service. Anyone I’ve worked with is the same way. I have worked in retail for years and have never really had problems with my job. There are annoying and difficult customers from time to time, but it usually does not bother me, and often makes for a good story among coworkers later on. I’m not sure how long ago you worked in retail or where you worked at–perhaps your training in customer service was more extensive than mine–but I’ve never worked anywhere where they trained you to “bend over backwards.”

    And just in case you were wondering, if I had been the employee that your wife had spoken with at the register, the conversation would have gone something like this:

    “Hi, did you find everything you were looking for today?”

    “We got this coupon in the mail, but bought a bunch of clothes the other day, and wanted to know if we could redeem this coupon for our previous purchase.”

    “I’m sorry, ma’am, but with the company policy, you are unable to do that. But you’re more than welcome to hold on to the coupon for another time.”

    “Why can’t I just return the clothes and re-buy them with the coupon?”

    “Oh, that’s fine, did you bring your receipt with you?”

    Again, I do not see the big problem with your situation. Clearly, you could have returned the items and repurchased them with the coupon. And even if the manager was extremely rude towards you, why is that such a big deal? The world goes on, and not everyone is going to treat you fairly, even though it would be part of her job to do so. If it bothered you that much, don’t shop there anymore. If the policy you don’t agree with bothers enough people, then you know the company will eventually change it, because you are right–customers do keep companies in business. And in being rude to you, she would have clearly overstepped a boundary–but you were doing the same in thinking that the store policy did not apply to you.

    It makes me wonder, why did this situation leave such a bad taste in your mouth when clearly there was a simple solution (return and re-buy the items)? Is it because you think rules and policies don’t apply to you for some reason? If that’s the case, then I feel bad for all of the customer service related people you will encounter in the future.

    I may be coming off as harsh, but I’m hoping that my comments help you see things in a different light from the other side of the counter. I deal with about 10 similar situations as yours each day, and rarely does it seem that anyone leaves the store feeling mistreated like you did over something so incredibly minor. From my point of view, it could have been easily fixed and really did not have to be a such a big deal for anyone involved.


    Just try using your old navy rewards from your credit card – if they sell you an item online and there is a problem with the order -example not having a size after you’ve ordered or having a defective item and not having a replacement – you loose the points. This has happened to me twice now, so why should I use your crappy visa card to accumulate the points if you’re not going to give me full credit for them. I’ve emailed and phoned and never gotten anywhere with them. I’m so canceling their card and shopping elsewhere – and I’ve been a card holder since 2000. They don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves!


    Normally the coupons state. Exclusions as well as saying presented at the time of purchase. No adjustments on previous purchases. Not to be combined with other discounts.

    I would inform the guest of this.
    I would let them know as a courtesy, I would allow it at this time.
    I would also let them know that any previous sales which they had gotten may not apply today.
    Normally when coupons go out, prices are different.